A collection of several authentick accounts of the history and price of wheat, bread, malt, &c

Collection Data

Penkethman, John (Author)
Dates / Origin
Date Issued: 1748
Place: London
Publisher: Printed for W. Warden, and sold by C. Davis ...
Library locations
Rare Book Division
Shelf locator: *KC 1748 96-79
Bread -- Prices
Famines -- Great Britain
Content: "A true relation or collection of the most remarkable dearths and famines, which have happened within this realme since the comming in of William the Conquerour, to Michaelmas 1745" (p. [61]-79) has special t.p.
Content: Binding: 19th century half red leather and brown paper boards. Binder's title: Assize of bread.
Content: Dedication signed: John Penkethman.
Content: Engraved table on folded leaf.
Content: Illustrated added engraved t.p., which reads: Artachthos, or, A new book declaring the assise or weight of bread by troy and avoirdupois weights, containing divers orders andarticles made and set forth by the right Hon[oura]ble the Lords and others of His Majesty's most Hon[oura]ble Privy Council : whereunto are added other necessary tables, instructions and relations which in the next title page are at large express'd. Publish'd by their Lordships orders. London : Printed for R. Bishop &c., A.D. 1638, Reprinted for W. Warden, A.D. 1748.
Content: Penkethman's work originally published: London : Printed by E[dward] G[riffine] and R. B[ishop] ..., 1638. Cf. STC 19598.
Content: Provenance: Bequest of Helen Hay Whitney.
Physical Description
Extent: [12], 3, [5], 25-30, [4], 27-60, [2], [61]-79, [3] p., [1]folded leaf of plates ; 23 cm. (4to)
NYPL catalog ID (B-number): b12474848
Universal Unique Identifier (UUID): 72b2fad0-c608-012f-b123-58d385a7bc34
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x Bakeries
x A collection of several authentick accounts of the history and price of wheat, bread, malt, &c
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x Rights: Public Domain
x Topic: Bakeries