CollectionsA proclamacion, ordeyned by the Kynges maiestie, with the aduice of his honorable counsayle for the Byble of the largest and greatest volume, to be had in euery churche: Deuised the .VI. day of May the. XXXIII. yeare of the Kynges moste gracious reygne.
A proclamacion, ordeyned by the Kynges maiestie, with the aduice of his honorable counsayle for the Byble of the largest and greatest volume, to be had in euery churche: Deuised the .VI. day of May the. XXXIII. yeare of the Kynges moste gracious reygne.
x A proclamacion, ordeyned by the Kynges maiestie, with the aduice of his honorable counsayle for the Byble of the largest and greatest volume, to be had in euery churche: Deuised the .VI. day of May the. XXXIII. yeare of the Kynges moste gracious reygne