A proclamacion, ordeyned by the Kynges maiestie, with the aduice of his honorable counsayle for the Byble of the largest and greatest volume, to be had in euery churche: Deuised the .VI. day of May the. XXXIII. yeare of the Kynges moste gracious reygne.

Collection Data

England and Wales. Sovereign (1536-1547 : Henry VIII) (Author)
Dates / Origin
Date Issued: 1541-05-06
Place: [London]
Publisher: Excussum per Richardum Grafton & Edwardum VVhitchurch. Cum priuilegio ad imprimendum solum
Library locations
Rare Book Division
Shelf locator: Broadside STC 7793
Content: Reproduction of the original in the Society of Antiquaries.
Citation/reference: STC (2nd ed.) 7793.
Citation/reference: Steele, R. Tudor and Stuart proclamations, 192.
Content: Publication date from STC.
Physical Description
Extent: 1 sheet ([1] p.)
Type of Resource
NYPL catalog ID (B-number): b16223408
Universal Unique Identifier (UUID): fa9b7a10-0030-0130-31f2-58d385a7bc34
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x A proclamacion, ordeyned by the Kynges maiestie, with the aduice of his honorable counsayle for the Byble of the largest and greatest volume, to be had in euery churche: Deuised the .VI. day of May the. XXXIII. yeare of the Kynges moste gracious reygne
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