American slave trade

Collection History

This digital compilation was developed in support of the NYPL website, "The African American Migration Experience," a sweeping 500-year historical narrative from the transatlantic slave trade to the Western migration, the colonization movement, the Great Migration, and the contemporary immigration of Caribbeans, Haitians, and sub-Saharan Africans.

Related Resources

NYPL. "In Motion: The African-American Migration Experience."(2005) <>

Collection Data

Torrey, Jesse, active 1787-1834 (Author)
Dates / Origin
Date Issued: 1822
Place: London
Publisher: Reprinted by C. Clement and published by J. M. Cobbett
Library locations
Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture, Manuscripts, Archives and Rare Books Division
Shelf locator: Sc Rare 326.4-T
Slavery -- United States
Content: American slave trade; or, An Account of the manner in which the slave dealers take free people from some of the United States of America, and carry them away, and sell them as slaves in other of the states; and of the horrible cruelties practised in the carrying on of this most infamous traffic: with reflections on the project for forming a colony of American blacks in Africa, and certain documents respecting that project. By Jesse Torrey, Jun., physician.
Physical Description
Extent: Xvi, 119 p. illus., 5 plates. 19 cm.
Type of Resource
Still image
NYPL catalog ID (B-number): b11661457
Universal Unique Identifier (UUID): 72a959a0-c61a-012f-8045-58d385a7bc34
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x Punishment & torture
x American slave trade: or, An account of the manner in which the slave dealers take free people from some of the United States of America, and carry them away
x Reprinted by C. Clement and published by J. M. Cobbett
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x Publisher: Reprinted by C. Clement and published by J. M. Cobbett
x Topic: Punishment & torture