Biblia Sacra vulgatæ Editionis Sixti V. Pont. max. Jussu recognita Et Clementis VIII auctoritate edita Nunc autem CXXXx figuris nouiter inuentis & in Æsincisis illustrata a de Brÿ

Collection Data

Bry, Johann Theodor de, 1561-1623? (Engraver)
Boissard, Robert (French draftsman and engraver, ca.1570-after 1597) (Engraver)
Zetter, I. D (Engraver)
Dates / Origin
Date Issued: 1609
Place: Moguntia apud Io: Albinum
Publisher: impensis Ioanis Theobaldi Schon-Wetteri & Iacobi Fischeri
Library locations
General Research Division
Shelf locator: *YBT (Bible. Latin: Vulgate. 1609. Biblia sacra Vulgatæ editionis Sixti V. Pont. Max.)
Known as the "Clementine Bible"; cf. B.M. Gen. cat.
Statement of responsibility: General title-page engraved by DeBry; special title-pages of the 2d part (Prophets & Maccabees), & the 3d (New Testament, Esdras, etc.) are signed G. Keller - I.D. Zetter. Several engravings by Robert Boissard. One plate is mounted.
Content: "Romanae correctionis" p. ℓ. 6-49; St. Jerome's prefaces, and indexes, final pages 239-263.
Followed by: Franciscus Lucas, Romanæ correctionis, in Latinis Bibliis editionis Vvlgatæ ... loca insigniora ...
Physical Description
Extent: 574, 226, 263 p.illus.23 cm.
Type of Resource
Still image
RLIN/OCLC: 8318641
NYPL catalog ID (B-number): b13499280
Universal Unique Identifier (UUID): 9a316b10-0aa6-0136-954a-3bd03c5d9676
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x Biblia Sacra vulgatæ Editionis Sixti V. Pont. max. Jussu recognita Et Clementis VIII auctoritate edita Nunc autem CXXXx figuris nouiter inuentis & in Æsincisis illustrata a de Brÿ
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