
Collection Data

Samples include 60 double samples (glazed and matte) of color coated paper, 79 samples of marbled paper and several samples each of leatherette, foil paper, iridescent paper, chintz patterned paper, stencilled paper, batik paper, paste paper and crush-finished paper. Samples supplied by A. Beringer G.m.b.H., Berlin (color coated papers), Buntpapierfabrik A.-G., Aschaffenburg and other firms.
Weichelt, August, 1840-1911 (Author)
Hofmann, Carl (Publisher)
Dates / Origin
Date Issued: 1927
Place: Berlin
Publisher: Verlag der Papier-Zeitung
Library locations
General Research Division
Shelf locator: VMP (Weichelt, A. Buntpapier-fabrikation)
Decorative paper
Papermaking machinery
Workshop recipes
Statement of responsibility: Contributors include Gottlieb Leschanowsky, Franz Dathe and others.
Content: Publisher's advertisements and advertisements for papermaking machinery and supplies: p. 417-448; index to advertisements: p. [414]-416.
Citation/reference: Labarre, E.J. Paper-making (2nd ed.), p. xvii, no. 189
Citation/reference: Herbst, H. Buchbinderei-Lit., 1791
Citation/reference: Easton, P. Marbling, p. 177
Physical Description
Extent: Viii, 448 p., [1] leaf of plates : 247 ill., 273 col. samples (272 mounted) ; 24 cm.
NYPL catalog ID (B-number): b12071698
Library of Congress Control Number: 28006556
Barcode: 33433093969834
Universal Unique Identifier (UUID): ab315a30-1baa-0130-6b6a-58d385a7bbd0
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x Buntpapier-Fabrikation
x Verlag der Papier-Zeitung
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x Publisher: Verlag der Papier-Zeitung
x Topic: Papermaking machinery