Statement of responsibility: by G. B. Brustolon after A. Canal.
Bibliographic history: First published about 1766 by L. Furlanetto in Venice.
Content: Comprises 12 large engravings depleting the inauguration of the doge (possibly Alvise Mocenigo who was inaugurated in 1763) and his appearance at many public festivals, etc. throughout the year. Each has a Latin inscription and Vicro's undated imprint.
Bibliography: Cicogna: Saggio di blbiografia veneziana, 1562 and 4547 Venice (City). Mostra degli incisori veneti del settecento, 1941: Catalogo a cura di Rodolfo Pallucchini, no. 206-210. See: Dodgson, C. Canaletto's Ceremonial appearances of the doge of Venice. (In: Country life, London, v. 52 (1922), p. 449-450). See: Canal, A. Canaletto; text by Vittorio Moschini. Milano [1954] p. 48, 50, 65.