Charles T. Griffes' clippings excerpts.

Collection Data

Mishkin, Herman (Photographer)
Dates / Origin
Date Created: 1920
Library locations
Music Division
Shelf locator: Clippings file (Griffes, Charles)
Funding: National Endowment for the Arts Millennium Project.
Content: Obituaries and other clippings about Charles T. Griffes including an advertisment placed by G. Schirmer offering Griffes' published scores. Illustrated with two photographs of Griffes, one attributed to Mishkin, N.Y.
Content: Title devised by cataloger.
Funding: Treasures of the American Performing Arts, 1875-1923
Physical Description
Extent: 6 clippings : ill. ; 21 cm. or smaller, pasted on both sides of paper 22 x 48 cm.
Type of Resource
Still image
NYPL catalog ID (B-number): b14326567
Universal Unique Identifier (UUID): eb8814c0-c617-012f-69d0-58d385a7bc34
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