Clarissimi Viri D. Andreæ Alciati Emblematum libellus, uigilanter recognitus, & iã recèns per Wolphgangum Hungerum Bauarum, rhythmis Germanicis uersus

Collection Data

Alciati, Andrea, 1492-1550 (Author)
Lefèvre, Jean, 1493-1565 (Translator)
Hunger, Wolffgang, 1511-1555 (Editor)
Dates / Origin
Date Issued: 1542
Place: Parisiis
Publisher: Apud Christianum Wechelum
Library locations
Rare Book Division
Shelf locator: *KB 1542 (Alciati, A. Clarissimi Viri D. Andreæ Alciati Emblematum libellus)
Citation/reference: Green: Allciati, 20
Content: Latin and German on opposite pages.
Content: Imperfect: p. 159-160, 197-198, 209-210, 221-222, 249-250 wanting.
Content: Pages 211 and 223 wrongly numbered 221 and 224.
Content: With armorial bookplate of the 1st Baron Amherst.
Content: "Traduction ... faite ... d'après les vers français de Jehan Lefevre."--Brunet, I, 149.
Ownership: 240178B.
Physical Description
Extent: 253 p., 1 l. illus. 15 cm. (8 vo.)
NYPL catalog ID (B-number): b14367682
RLIN/OCLC: 15467247
Universal Unique Identifier (UUID): 33490fc0-c605-012f-4dab-58d385a7bc34
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x Clarissimi Viri D. Andreæ Alciati Emblematum libellus, uigilanter recognitus, & iã recèns per Wolphgangum Hungerum Bauarum, rhythmis Germanicis uersus
x Illustrations
x Rare Book Division
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x Division: Rare Book Division
x Genre: Illustrations
x Topic: Emblems