
Collection Data

Dates / Origin
Date Issued: 1482
Place: [Ulm]
Publisher: [Lienhart Holle]
Library locations
Rare Book Division
Shelf locator: *KB+ 1482 (Ptolemaeus, C. Cosmographia)
Content: "Maps ... redrawn, corrected and improved ... by Nicolaus Donis ... [who] also added the five modern maps, one of which contains the first printed representation of Greenland, laid down as a peninsula of northern Europe under the name of Engronelant."--Sabin 66472.
Content: Imperfect: hinged throughout; first leaf inlaid.
Content: Roman type (Proctor 2556); 2 columns, 44-45 lines. With initial spcaes, hisoriated and ornamental woodcut initialsand signature marks; without catchwords and foliation. On the verso of all but 5 of the maps is descriptive text within ornamental woodcut borders. Initials, maps, bordersand 2 diagrams colored by hand.
Content: Signatures: a¹⁰, b-g⁸, h¹²⁻¹, 64 l. unsigned.
Content: Translated by Jacopo d'Angelo.
Content: With engraver's inscription at the top of the first map: .Jnsculptum est per Johannẽ. Schnitzer de Arm[esset]heim. /
Content: With printed text on l. 133a.
Content: l. 1a: Beatissimo Patri Pavlo Se / cvndo Potifici Maximo. / Donis Nicolavs Germanvs / N / On me fugit beatissime pater. Cũq[us] summo / ingenio exquisitaq[us] doctrina ptolomeus cos / mographus pinxisse ...
Content: l. 2a, col. 2: ... Clavdii Ptholomei Viri / Alexandrini Cosmogra / phie Liber Primvs Incipit / In Qvo Differt Cosmogra phia A Corographia. Capi. I. /
Content: Colophon, l. 133b: Clavdii Ptolomei Viri A / lexandrini Cosmographie / Octavvs Et Vltimus Liber / Explicit / Opvs Donni Nicolai Germa / ni Secvndum Ptolomevm / Finit. / Anno MCCCCLXXXII. Avgv / sti Vero Kalendas. XVII. / Imprssvm [sic] Vlme Per Ingeni / osvm Virvm Leonardvm / Hol Prefati Oppidi Civis[?] /
Ownership: Lenox.
Physical Description
Extent: 133 l. incl. diagrs., 32 maps. illus. 41.5 cm. (fol.)
RLIN/OCLC: 28258195
NYPL catalog ID (B-number): b14376374
Universal Unique Identifier (UUID): c77eb710-c606-012f-1c22-58d385a7bc34
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x Genre: Maps
x Publisher: [Lienhart Holle]
x Rights: Public Domain

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