William Creak, tea-dealer, operated from 69, Cornhill, in London as early as 1794 (cf. Kent's Directory). Creak & Capel are listed at the same address in the Post Office London Directory for 1817. To Sir Timothy Shelley, father of Percy Bysshe Shelley : 1 autograph letter signed : 29 May 1813 : (S'ANA 0273) : on a debt of his son's. Published, with extensive commentary, in Shelley and His Circle, vol. III, p. 192.
Biographical/historical: William Creak, tea-dealer, operated from 69, Cornhill, in London as early as 1794 (cf. Kent's Directory). Creak & Capel are listed at the same address in the Post Office London Directory for 1817.
Funding: Digitized through a major grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities: Exploring the human endeavor.