Des fortifications et artifices

Collection Data

Perret, Jacques, gentilhomme savoysien (Writer of accompanying material)
Leu, Thomas de, 1560-1612 (Engraver)
Henry IV, King of France, 1553-1610 (Dedicatee)
Dates / Origin
Date Issued: 1601 (Inferred)
Place: Paris
Publisher: Iaques Perret
Library locations
The Miriam and Ira D. Wallach Division of Art, Prints and Photographs: Print Collection
Shelf locator: Spencer Coll. French 1601 83-47
Shelf locator: Spencer Coll. French 1601 83-47
Architecture -- Early works to 1800
Fortification -- Early works to 1800
Architectural drawings
Perspective -- Early works to 1800
Rare books
Book illustrations
Statement of responsibility: de Iaques Perret gentilhomme sauoysien.
Citation/reference: References: For variations see: Brunet, IV, 511; Graesse, V, 207; Duportal: Livres à figures, 1601-1633, no. 3 (21 plates incl. t.p.); Robert-Dumesnil, X, 76-95 (t.p. and 19 plates in different order lettered A-I² K), 96; Bibliothèque nationale, Paris. Dépt. des estampes: Inventaire du fonds français. Gravures du seizième siècle, I, 476-482, no. 58-79.
Dedication "Au Roy" (leaf [1]) signed "De Paris ce premier de Iuillet 1601, Iaques Perret de Chambery." Privilege granting publication rights to the author: leaf [20].
Content: Comprises engraved illustrated t.p. (with vignette of the Siege of Paris, 1594) and 22 double-page engravings by Thomas de Leu after Perret's designs; 18 leaves of explanatory letterpress (5 have text also on verso); dedication and privilege.
For reproduction of plate depicting a building of 9 stories capable of lodging "500 personnes à leur aise" (in Spencer Coll. copy: no. [21]; see also nos. [9-10], [22]) see: Architektur, die nicht gebaut wurde / Josef Ponten. Stuttgart : Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt, 1925. v. 2, fig. 72.
Physical Description
Extent: [20] leaves, [45] leaves of plates : chiefly ill. ; 43 cm. (fol.)
Binding, contemporary, of vellum.
Type of Resource
Still image
NYPL catalog ID (B-number): b10781009
Other local Identifier: NYPG83-B29712
Universal Unique Identifier (UUID): 311a0c00-35e2-0132-3c12-58d385a7bbd0
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x Early works to 1800
x Des fortifications et artifices: architecture et perspectiue
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