Die Schaulade

Collection Data

Meisenbach, Johann Adam, 1892- (Editor)
Dates / Origin
Date Issued: 1925 - 1941
Place: Bamberg
Library locations
General Research Division
Shelf locator: 3-MNA (Schaulade)
Decorative arts
Commercial products -- Germany
Date/sequential designation: Jahrg. 1- ; 1925-
Statement of responsibility: Editors: 1925-41, J.A. Meisenbach (Sept. 1929-1941, with others).
Numbering: 1945-May, 1946 not published.
Numbering: Vol. 10, no. 8-v. 17, July, 1934-Dec. 1941, each issue in 2 editions: Ausg. A. Handwerkskunst, Luxus-, Schmuck- und Lederwaren and: Ausg. B. Porzellan, Steingut, Glas, Haus- und Küchengeräte (title vary). (From v. 18, no. 14-v. 20, 1942-44, Ausg. B was issued as Das Hausgerät und die Schaulade, Ausg. B; with v. 21, no. 1, June, 1946, it resumed publication as Ausg. B of Die Schaulade.--cf. Deutsches Bücherverzeichnis. Leipzig, Bd. 25, p. 1158.)
July, 1933-Aug. 1941 include the separately paged suppl.: Amtliche Mitteilungen der Fachabteilung Kunstgewerbe und der Fachabteilung Leder- und Galanteriewaren in der Wirtschafts-gruppe Einzelhandel. [1.]-8 Jahrg., Nr. 4. Juli, 1933-Aug. 1941. (Early years have title: Der Luxus- und Lederwarenhandel (variations); Der Kunstgewerbe- Einzelhandel; etc., etc., From July, 1934-Aug. 1941, the supplement was issued with Ausgabe A only. It is the official organ of various trade organizations.)
Physical Description
Extent: V. : illus ; .4to.
Type of Resource
Still image
RLIN/OCLC: 48180382
NYPL catalog ID (B-number): b15260284
Universal Unique Identifier (UUID): d5faaef0-2eed-0136-90d4-3dc4e2aa972c
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