Statement of responsibility: ab Alexandro de Fabris quibus addita sunt Ordo Romani Imperij ab Othone' .ij institutus. Pompa Regis Turcarum et Personatorum Vestitus uarij quor[um] est in Italia frequens usus. Cum additionis priuilegio.
Citation/reference: See: Brunet, II, 1151. See: Colas: Bibl. du costume, 1021. See: Vinet: Bibliographie...des beaux-arts, 2094. See: Cicogna: Saggio di bibl. veneziana, 1738. See: Cicognara: Catalogo, 1643.
Content: Without the general t.p. described by Cicogna and others: Diversarum nationum ornatus...Accessrunt ornatus pleriq. antiquorum patavinorum...formis Alex. Fabri Patavini. Vol. 1 has instead a copy of the etched t.p. to v. 2 from which the "tomo 2do" has been erased. Without, also, the portrait of the dedicatee, Roberto Obizzi, and the 4-leaf letter-press dedication to Battista Dotto (dated at Padua, Nov. 1593). With 2 copies of the Dotto port., one in v. 1 and one in v. 2.
Content: Vol. 3 has title: Additio Ad Dvos Svperiores Libros De Habitibvs Diversarvm Nationv[m] Cump Priuilegio.
Based on P. Bertelli's Diversarum nationum habitus, Padua, 1589-96. The etchings are similar to, but not exact copies of, Bertelli's.
Content: Comprises etchings, presumably by Fabris after Bertelli and others, chiefly depicting single figures in various costumes, but also including a few views of Venice and Padua, a series of carnival scenes, a few portraits of Paduans, a series of officials of the Holy Roman Empire and two processions (the Doge and the Turkish emperor). There are four flaps which can be lifted to reveal detail beneath (v. l, pl. 7, 34, 79; v. 2, plate preceding pl. 33)
Binding, by p. Ruban, 1908, of blue morocco, gilt.