Erste [-XXVI.] Schiffart ...

Collection Data

Hulsius, Levinus, -1606 (Author)
Dates / Origin
Date Issued: 1598 - 1663
Place: Nürnberg, Frankfurt am Mayn, Oppenheym, Hanaw
Library locations
Rare Book Division
Shelf locator: *KB 1598 (Hulsius, L. Erste [-XXVI.] Schiffart)
Voyages and travels
Content: A collection of voyages to the East Indies, America, Africa, etc., edited and translated by L. Hulsius and others.
Content: This set, all but one volume from the Lenox Library, includes all the parts, several in more than one edition, issue or copy, as well as the two Latin translations of pts. 4-5. For statement of holdings, cf. Lenox Library, New York. Voyages of Hulsius, etc. New York, 1877 (annotated copy in *KB, 1598, Hulsius). For other detailed descriptions, cf. JCB, I, 467-503; Church, II, 256-319; Sabin 33652-78.
Content: Binding of purple morocco, gilt, with Lenox supra-libros; a few in vellum, etc.
Physical Description
Extent: 26 pts. in 74 v. illus., plates, ports., maps. 21 cm. (4to.).
NYPL catalog ID (B-number): b14373492
Universal Unique Identifier (UUID): 89976df0-c609-012f-46b9-58d385a7bc34
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x Hulsius, Levinus, -1606
x Erste [-XXVI.] Schiffart ..
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