Harriet Westbrook Shelley manuscript material : 3 items

Collection Data

Harriet Westbrook Shelley, first wife of the English poet Percy Bysshe Shelley. · ?Holograph and manuscript copy poems in The Esdaile Notebook : [ca. 1814-1815] : (PBS 0237) : 9 pages (leaf 92 verso-leaf 97 recto within bound notebook) : [no place] : including five poems, of which "To Harriett" ("Thy look of Love"), "To Harriet" ("Oh Harriet love like mine"), and "To St Irvyne" are copies of poems by Percy Bysshe Shelley; "Full many a mind" and "Late was the night" may be by Harriet herself. The Esadaile Notebook is published in full with commentary as SC 372 in Shelley and his Circle volume IV. Shelved as *Pforz B-L 01.
Shelley, Harriet Westbrook, -1816 (Creator)
Beauchamp, Elizabeth, 1782-1854 (Addressee)
Hogg, Thomas Jefferson, 1792-1862 (Addressee)
Shelley, Percy Bysshe, 1792-1822 (Addressee)
Westbrook, Ann Elliott, 1756 or 1757-1819 (Addressee)
Westbrook, John, 1751-1835 (Addressee)
Dates / Origin
Date Created: 1813 - 1816
Library locations
Carl H. Pforzheimer Collection of Shelley and His Circle
Shelf locator: Pforz MS
Authors' spouses -- Great Britain -- 19th century
Biographical/historical: Harriet Westbrook Shelley, first wife of the English poet Percy Bysshe Shelley.
Content: · ?Holograph and manuscript copy poems in The Esdaile Notebook : [ca. 1814-1815] : (PBS 0237) : 9 pages (leaf 92 verso-leaf 97 recto within bound notebook) : [no place] : including five poems, of which "To Harriett" ("Thy look of Love"), "To Harriet" ("Oh Harriet love like mine"), and "To St Irvyne" are copies of poems by Percy Bysshe Shelley; "Full many a mind" and "Late was the night" may be by Harriet herself. The Esadaile Notebook is published in full with commentary as SC 372 in Shelley and his Circle volume IV. Shelved as *Pforz B-L 01. · To Thomas Jefferson Hogg, barrister and friend of Shelley : 1 autograph note unsigned : 9 May 1813 : (S'ANA 0064) : ¹/₄ page (page 2 of double sheet) : [from Cooke's Hotel, Albemarle Street, Piccadilly] : reads in full, "Bysshe is better now & wishes for your company this evening at 8 Oclock to meet The Newtons." On the same lettersheet as Hogg's letter to her of the same day (HOGG 0105), and a letter dated 3 May To Hogg from John Lawless (H'GANA 0008), the Irish nationalist and journal editor. Published with commentary as SC 228 in Shelley and his Circle volume III, p. 142. Filed under "Thomas Jefferson Hogg.". · To Eliza Westbrook, her sister; Percy Bysshe Shelley, her husband; and her parents : 1 autograph letter signed : [?7 Dec 1816] : (S'ANA 0063) : 1 ¹/₂ pages (single sheet) : [no place] : her suicide letter; begins, "When you read this letr. I shall be more [sic] an inhabitatnt of this miserable world. do not regret the loss of one who could never be anything but a source of vexation & misery to you all belonging to me ...".
Physical Description
Extent: 3 items
Type of Resource
NYPL catalog ID (B-number): b20056078
MSS Unit ID: 22953
Universal Unique Identifier (UUID): 34ba96b0-dcc6-0133-0540-00505686d14e
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x Harriet Westbrook Shelley manuscript material : 3 items
x Correspondence
x Pforzheimer Collection
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