Heures présentées a Madame le Pelletier intendante de la Generalité de Soissons

Collection Data

Boitel, Ferdinand (Scribe)
Dates / Origin
Date Created: 1770 - 1774
Place: Laon[?], France
Library locations
Spencer Collection
Shelf locator: Spencer Coll. MS. 89
Ownership: Purchased for Spencer, 1958.
Content: 1 scribe
Content: 3-line and 4-line initials, some decorated or historiated. Pen drawings and flourishes.
Content: Dictionary Catalog, 903. Note in manuscript.
Content: Heures presentees a Madame le Pelletier Intendante de la Generalite de Soissons. Ferdinand Boitel. Maitre d'Ecriture a Laon.
Content: Paper
Content: Dated to 1770-4 by mention on pp. 139-40 to Marie Antoinette as Dauphine. Place: scribe (Ferdinand Boitel) is from Laon, while recipient (Madame Le Pelletier) is in Soissons.
Content: This manuscript is paginated 1-371, missing the last page, and the first three written pages, for a total of 378 pages, or 189 folios. For convenience, both folios and pages are cited here.
Physical Description
Extent: Ff. i + 189 + ii
Type of Resource
Still image
NYPL catalog ID (B-number): b22868942
Universal Unique Identifier (UUID): 0db13030-c621-012f-ed71-58d385a7bc34
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