Horace Newton Allen papers

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Collection Data

Horace Newton Allen (1858-1932) was an American missionary, diplomat and physician. Collection consists of correspondence, diaries for 1883 to 1903, writings, speeches, and other papers reflecting Allen's career as a clergyman, medical missionary in Korea, secretary of the Korean Legation in Washington and of the American Legation in Korea, and United States Minister to Korea. Includes papers relating to foreign commercial concessions in Korea, the attempt of the Korean emperor to enlist American aid against Japan, and the Russo-Japanese War. Also, miscellaneous papers relating mainly to Korea including photographs, clippings, copies of Korean and Japanese newspapers, and other printed matter. Correspondents include Samuel L. Clemens, John Hay, and Horace Porter.
Allen, Horace Newton, 1858-1932 (Creator)
Hay, John, 1838-1905 (Contributor)
Porter, Horace, 1837-1921 (Contributor)
Twain, Mark, 1835-1910 (Contributor)
Korea. Legation (United States) (Contributor)
United States. Legation (Korea) (Contributor)
Dates / Origin
Date Created: 1883 - 1923
Library locations
Manuscripts and Archives Division
Shelf locator: MssCol 49
Diplomatic and consular service, American -- Korea
Missions, Medical -- Korea
Russo-Japanese War, 1904-1905
Korea -- Commerce
Korea -- United States -- Diplomatic and consular service
Korea -- Japan -- Foreign relations
Korea -- United States -- Foreign relations
Korea -- Pictorial works
Korea -- Religious life and customs
United States -- Korea -- Foreign relations
Biographical/historical: In 1883 Allen, who was born in Ohio, went to China as a medical missionary for the Presbyterian Church. In 1884 he went to Korea, where he remained until 1905. In Korea he served as medical officer to the U. S., British, Japanese, and Chinese legations in Seoul; medical advisor to the Korean royal family; Secretary of the American Embassy in Seoul; Minister Plenipotentiary and Envoy Extraordinary to Korea. He also served as Secretary of the Korean Legation in Washington. Allen was the author of several books about Korea.
Content: The papers cover Allen's career in Korea during the periods of Chinese-Japanese conflict in Korea, the Russo-Japanese War, the winning of foreign concessions in Korea, and the establishment of the Japanese protectorate over Korea in 1905. Included are: Allen's correspondence (largely outgoing), and copybooks, 1884-1916 (the bulk covering his Korean period); manuscripts of speeches, articles, and other writings by Allen largely on Korean topics; a few manuscripts on Korea by others, including Rear Admiral S. B. Luce, Ellen C. Parsons, and unknown authors; reports, letters, and legal and other documents, 1895-1906, relating to foreign commercial concessions in Korea; clippings of newspaper articles by or about Allen and Korean topics; letters and other documents relating to the Russo-Japanese War; photographs of the American and British legations in Seoul, circa 1899, five views of the ceremonies opening the Japanese railway connecting Seoul and Fusan, 1905, fifteen views of the American gold mines in Korea, four views and a plan of Allen's summer house in Chemulpo, 1899, the Japanese Peace Commission on its way to Portsmouth, New Hampshire, 1905, and other Korean views; four diaries, 1883-1903; copies of books about Korea by Allen and others; issues of Korean (or relating to Korea) newspapers and periodicals, 1892-1923; miscellaneous documents, including accounts of Allen's household and of the legation, invitations, Korean poetry and artwork, passports, a copy of the Korean national hymn, and a volume containing records of dispatches to the U. S. State Department.
Physical Description
Extent: 9 linear feet (7 boxes, 20 v.); 10 microfilm reels
Type of Resource
Still image
NYPL catalog ID (B-number): b12077720
MSS Unit ID: 49
Universal Unique Identifier (UUID): 9bff5570-9290-0136-74f0-5dd6841e6f4e
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