I nvmi a diporto sv l'Adriatico

Collection Data

Sartorio, Bernardo (Author)
Via, Alessandro dalla, fl. 1688-1724 (Printmaker)
Lamberti, Ludovico (Italian painter, active 1687-1711) (Artist)
Carboncini, Giovanni 1638-1703 (Artist)
Vecchio, Gaspare (Italian engraver and draftsman, active 17th century) (Artist)
Dates / Origin
Date Issued: 1688
Place: Venezia
Publisher: Appresso Andrea Poletti
Library locations
Spencer Collection
Shelf locator: Spencer Coll. Ital. 1688
Ferdinand de' Medici, prince of Tuscany, 1663-1713
Boats and boating -- Italy -- Venice
Pageants -- Italy -- Venice
Citation/reference: Lipperheide: Katalog der...Kostümbibliothek, 2752.
Statement of responsibility: Dedication signed: Bernardo Canonico Sartorio.
The "Numi a diporto," p. [25]-43, is in verse.
Content: Illustrations: 15 etchings by Alessandro dalla Via after Ludovico Lamberti, Giovanni Carboncini and Gaspar Vecchia, comprising illustrated half-title, 2 folded and 12 double plates of decorated boats, the regatta, etc. For one reproduction, cf. Lipperheide, p. 365.
Physical Description
Extent: 5 p.l., 43 p. plates. 42cm. (f̕.)
Binding, 20th century, of vellum.
Type of Resource
Still image
RLIN/OCLC: 131753127
NYPL catalog ID (B-number): b16831961
Universal Unique Identifier (UUID): eb2e43a0-7f71-0134-315a-00505686a51c
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x I nvmi a diporto sv l'Adriatico: Descrizione della regatta solenne disposta in Venezia a godimento dell'Altezza Serenissima di Ferdinando terzo prencipe di Toscana. Vnita la narratiua d'altri trattenimenti ordinati à diuertimento della medesima Altezza nel carnouale del MDCLXXXVIII
x Prints
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x Genre: Prints
x Rights: Public Domain