Iohn Hvighen van Linschoten

Collection Data

The first booke: The o[r]dering of their ships; the description of Mossambique; of the iland and towne of Ormus [etc., etc.].--The second booke. The true and perfect description of the whole coast of Guinea, Manicongo, Angola, Monomotapa, and right ouer against them the Cape of S. Augustin in Brasilia, with the compasse of the whole Ocean Seas ... translated out of Dutch into English by W.P. ... London, Imprinted by John Wolfe. 1598. Title vignette: map 'The kingedome of Congo'.--The thirde booke. The Nauigation of the Portingales into the East Indies, containing their trauels by Sea, into East India, and from the East Indies into Portingall, also from the Portingall Indies to Malacca, China, Iapon, the Ilands of Iaua and Sunda ... Translated out of Dutch by W.P. London, Printed by John VVolfe, 1598. Title vignette: map of the world.--The fovrth booke. A most true and certaine Extract and Summarie of all the Rents, Demaines, Tolles, Taxes, Impostes, Tributes, Tenthes, third-pennies, & incommings of the King of Spaine ... Together with a briefe and cleere description of the gouernment, power, and pedegree of the Kings of Portingall. Translated out of Spanish into Low-Dutch by Iohn Hughen of Linschoten. And out of Dutch into English by W.P. ... London, Imprinted by John Wolfe. 1598. Title vignette: map "Hispania".
Linschoten, Jan Huygen van (1563-1611) (Author)
Dates / Origin
Date Issued: 1598 (Inferred)
Place: Printed at London
Publisher: by Iohn Wolfe Printer to ye Honorable Cittie of London
Library locations
Rare Book Division
Shelf locator: *KC+ 1598 (Linschoten, J. H. van. Iohn Hvighen van Linschoten)
Voyages and travels
Goa, Daman and Diu (India)
Revenue -- Spain
Content: "The description of America, and the seuerall partes thereof ..." p. 216-259 [i.e. 295]
Content: Books 2-4 have special title-pages.
Statement of responsibility: Maps and plates engraved by Robert Beckit, Renold Elstrackand William Rogers, general t.-p. and title vignette maps (books 2-3) by Rogers.
Content: Printer's initials and mark included in border of general t.-p.
Content: Several pages wrongly numbered (cf. Church)
Content: Text printed in double columns.
Statement of responsibility: Translated from the Dutch by W. Phillip, whose initials appear on the title-pages of books 2-4.
Statement of responsibility: Translation, but in different order, of his: Itinerario, Uoyage ofte Schipvaert, Amsterdam, 1596 (q.v.), including translation of the notes to book 1 by Berend ten Broecke, compiler of book 2.
Physical Description
Extent: 4 v. in 1. illus. (maps), 3 fold. pl., 9 fold. maps on 10ℓ. 29.5 cm
Type of Resource
NYPL catalog ID (B-number): b14467380
Universal Unique Identifier (UUID): 42512960-c606-012f-a4ce-58d385a7bc34
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x Iohn Hvighen van Linschoten: his Discours of Voyages into ye Easte & West Indies. Deuided into Foure Bookes
x East Indies
x Prints
x Rare Book Division
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x Division: Rare Book Division
x Genre: Prints
x Place: East Indies


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