Le Livre de l'Ecclésiaste, Le Cantique de Roy Salomon

Collection Data

A French translation in verse of Ecclesiastes and the Song of Solomon in the Bible, with some verses in Latin and French, including two to the Princess de Rohan by Melville and two to Esther Inglis by Melville and Johnston.
Inglis, Esther, 1571-1624 (Calligrapher)
Inglis, Esther, 1571-1624 (Illustrator)
Dates / Origin
Date Created: 1601
Library locations
Spencer Collection
Shelf locator: Spencer Coll. MS. 8
Ownership: Written for the Princess de Rohan. Early 19th century was presented by Boullet (lawyer of Bordeaux) to Charles Athanase, Baron de Walckenaer. Huth collection.
Citation/reference: Scott-Elliot & Yeo, No. 17 (pp. 46-7), with a facsimile of f. 24r as Plate 32 (facing p. 43). Facsimile of ff. 24v-5r in Georgianna Ziegler, ‘Hand-Ma[i]de Books: The Manuscripts of Esther Inglis, Early-Modern Precursors of the Artists' Book’, EMS, 9 (200), 73-87 (Plate 4, p. 82). Listed in Digital Scriptorium, University of California, Berkeley.
Biographical/historical: Medieval and Renaissance illuminated manuscripts are vehicles of the collective memory of western European culture, and provide a material connection between the scribes, illuminators, and patrons who produced these works and the audiences who view them today. The works represent diverse genres, from Bibles and missals to romance literature and science texts. Dating from the turn of the 10th century until well into the period of the Renaissance, these works give vivid testimony to the creative impulses of the often nameless craftsmen who continually discovered new ways of animating the contents of hand-produced books through inventive and sometimes exuberant manipulations of all the elements of the book: form and format, layout, script, decoration, illustration, and binding. Drawn from the Spencer Collection and the Manuscripts and Archives Division, the New York Public Library’s collections of medieval and Renaissance manuscripts focus on the 9th through the 16th centuries -- seven hundred years of political, ecclesiastical, social, and intellectual change in Western Europe and the world.
Physical Description
Extent: Ff. iii + 25 + iii
Type of Resource
Still image
NYPL catalog ID (B-number): b22818427
Universal Unique Identifier (UUID): 6cb9a090-c622-012f-8624-58d385a7bc34
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x Le Livre de l'Ecclésiaste, Le Cantique de Roy Salomon
x Calligraphy
x Spencer Collection
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x Division: Spencer Collection
x Genre: Calligraphy
x Rights: Public Domain


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