Libro Primo [-Vltimo] Della Historia De L'Indie Occidentali

Collection Data

Anghiera, Pietro Martire d', 1457-1526 (Author)
Fernández de Oviedo y Valdés, Gonzalo, 1478-1557 (Author)
Dates / Origin
Date Issued: 1534 (Inferred)
Place: Vinegia
Publisher: Niccolo Zoppino?
Library locations
Rare Book Division
Shelf locator: *KB 1534 (Anghiera, P. M. d'. Libro Primo [-Vltimo] Della Historia De L'Indie Occidentali)
Peru -- History -- Conquest, 1522-1548
West Indies -- Description and travel
Content: Vol. 2, by Oviedo y Valdés, has t.-p.: Libro Secondo DelleIndie Occidentali 1534, and colophon: Stampato in Vinegia,nel mese di Decembre, de. 1534.
Content: Vol. [3] has t.-p.: Libro Vltimo Del Svmmario Delle Indie Occidentali 1534, and colophon: In Vinegia, Del mese d'Ottobre. 1534.
Ownership: Lenox. Copy 2.
Ownership: No acc. (Lenox). Copy 1.
Content: Copy 2: Bound by C. Smith in brown morocco, gilt, with supra-libros of Henri Ternaus-Compans. Copy 2: Imperfect: map of Western Hemisphere wanting.
Content: For authority for imprint, cf. Quaritch, firm, booksellers,London. A general catalogue. London, 1887-92. v. 6, no. 36709-10.
Content: On verso of t.-p. of v. 1: Svmmario De La Generale Historia De L'Indie Occidentali Cavato Da Libri Scritti Dal Signor Don Pietro Martyre ... Et Da Molte Altre Particvlari Relationi.
Content: Copy 1: Last leaf of v. 1 and [3] blank, the latter wanting.
Physical Description
Extent: 3 v. in 1 illus., maps 22 cm. (4to.)
Type of Resource
Still image
NYPL catalog ID (B-number): b14356425
RLIN/OCLC: 13656365
Universal Unique Identifier (UUID): a4e35310-003d-0130-bb5a-58d385a7bc34
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x Libro Primo [-Vltimo] Della Historia De L'Indie Occidentali
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x Rights: Public Domain