Content: Each engraving by René Boyvin after original designs by Leonard Thiry, inlaid.
Content: For full description cf. Brunet II, 1648.
Content: Hystoire de Iason ([4] p.) signed I.G.P., i.e. Jacques Gohorry. The plates are by René Boyvin, after Léonard Tyri.
Content: Privilege issued to Iehan de Mauregard, who wrote the dedication.
Content: This copy wants t.-p., p.l. 3 (second leaf of dedication) and p.l. 4-5 (quatrains by Jacques Gohorry); p.l. 3 and poems supplied in ms. (the latter below the plates.)
Statement of responsibility: faict par figures auec exposition d'icelles.
Physical Description
Extent: [8] p., 26 leaves of plates : ill. ; 27 x 34 cm. (obl. fol)