Livre du Petit Artus Fils du Bon Duc Jehan de Bretiagne

Collection Data

Dates / Origin
Date Created: 1440 - 1460
Place: [Anjou?] France
Library locations
Spencer Collection
Shelf locator: Spencer Coll. MS. 34
Miniatures (Illuminations)
Ownership: Owned, and perhaps ordered, by Jacques d'Armagnac, duc de Nemours (executed 1477). Early 19th century: Payne and Mackinlay. A. Davison; Lord Thurlow; John Louis Goldsmid. Sir Thomas Phillipps collection. Presented by Edward S. Harkness.
Content: 2-line gold and blue initials with blue and red penwork. Larger blue initials on gold fields. Blue and gold placemarkers. Linefillers, border designs, rubrics.
Content: 34 lines in two columns, ruled in pencil, catchwords visible. Two opening folios, followed by 27 quires of eight folios each.
Content: 37 miniatures showing scenes from the romance.
Content: Dating: possibly executed for Jacques d'Armagnac (died 1477). Leech indicates that the erased ex libris refers to Jacques' title of duc de Nemours, which he acquied in 1462. Illuminations by an unknown south Flemish artist are dated to ca. 1450.
Content: De Ricci, 1333. Leech article. Library dossier.
Content: Ex libris of Jacques d'Armagnac f. 218v. The date of composition of the romance is unknown, but one of the characters is the Marshal de Mirepoix, a title which first existed in the reign of Louis the Young, which began in 1137.
Content: Foliation in ink incorrect. The foliation in pencil (lower right) misses the first 2 vellum sheets, which according to Leech should be included. Thus the pencil foliation is always 2 folios too low. Here correct foliation used -- count up from pencil ff.
Content: Parchment
Physical Description
Extent: Ff. i + 218 + i : 303 x 217 mm.
Type of Resource
Still image
NYPL catalog ID (B-number): b22830688
Universal Unique Identifier (UUID): d1ca1440-c61e-012f-4a18-58d385a7bc34
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