Marianne Hunt manuscript material : 10 items

Collection Data

Marianne Hunt, née Kent, wife of the poet, journalist, and literary critic Leigh Hunt. · To R. H. Horne, writer : 5 letters -- 1 autograph letter signed : 15 Jul 1839 : (H'ANA 0076) : asking financial advice, the landlady having signed a warrant for the seizure of the Hunts' furniture; begins, "Do not think me insensible to your kind attentions and care ..."; with the envelope. -- 1 autograph letter signed : 18 Nov 1839 : (H'ANA 0077) : begins, "Your note of Saturday did indeed cost me some severe pain ..."; with the envelope. -- 1 autograph letter signed : [16 Feb 1840] : (H'ANA 0080) : begins, "Pray forgive me for not answering your note sooner ..." -- 1 autograph letter signed : 18 Feb 1840 : (H'ANA 0078) : begins, "Many thanks for your kind intelligence ..." -- 1 autograph letter signed : 21 Feb 1840 : (H'ANA 0079) : begins, "Will you forgive me if I request you to expect me on Tuesday instead of today?".
Hunt, Marianne, 1788-1857 (Creator)
Dates / Origin
Date Created: 1817 - 1840
Library locations
Carl H. Pforzheimer Collection of Shelley and His Circle
Shelf locator: Pforz Ms
Biographical/historical: Marianne Hunt, née Kent, wife of the poet, journalist, and literary critic Leigh Hunt.
Content: To R. H. Horne, writer : 5 letters -- 1 autograph letter signed : 15 Jul 1839 : (H'ANA 0076) : asking financial advice, the landlady having signed a warrant for the seizure of the Hunts' furniture; begins, "Do not think me insensible to your kind attentions and care ..."; with the envelope. -- 1 autograph letter signed : 18 Nov 1839 : (H'ANA 0077) : begins, "Your note of Saturday did indeed cost me some severe pain ..."; with the envelope. -- 1 autograph letter signed : [16 Feb 1840] : (H'ANA 0080) : begins, "Pray forgive me for not answering your note sooner ..." -- 1 autograph letter signed : 18 Feb 1840 : (H'ANA 0078) : begins, "Many thanks for your kind intelligence ..." -- 1 autograph letter signed : 21 Feb 1840 : (H'ANA 0079) : begins, "Will you forgive me if I request you to expect me on Tuesday instead of today?". · To Mary Shelley, novelist : 4 letters : -- 1 autograph letter signed : 1-3 Aug 1817 : (H'ANA 0001) : begins, "You did me an injustice in supposing I had forgotten you ..."; with pen and ink sketches of a tree and figures on the address leaf. Published with commentary as SC 411 in Shelley and his Circle, v. V, p. 256. -- 1 autograph letter signed : [ca. 14 Jul - 4 Aug 1818] : (H'ANA 0002) : begins, "I sit down to write you with every intention of saying a great deal ..."; followed on the same sheet, continuing to a second, is an autograph letter from Leigh Hunt to the Shelleys (LH 0020). Filed under Leigh Hunt. Published with commentary as SC 486 in Shelley and his Circle v. VI, p. 605. -- 1 autograph letter signed : 24 Jan 1821 : (H'ANA 0102) : [from London] : begins, "I will not apologize for my long delay in answering your letter, I have existed, not lived, for some weeks past." -- 1 autograph letter signed : 7 Sep 1821 : (H'ANA 0003) : begins, "You see Mr. Hunts reasons for not coming to you, he understands those things better than I do and of course he is right ..."; immediately followed on the same paper by an autograph letter from leigh Hunt to Mary Shelley (LH 0037). Filed under Leigh Hunt. · To William Tait, bookseller and publisher : 1 autograph letter signed : 7 Jun 1836 : (H'ANA 0014) : from 4 Upper Cheyne Row, Chelsea; begins, "You will I hope excuse the liberty I am taking in letting you know that a remittance from you just now will do Mr. Hunt more good than twice the sum you are indebted to him ...".
Physical Description
Extent: 10 items
Type of Resource
NYPL catalog ID (B-number): b18137226
MSS Unit ID: 23556
Universal Unique Identifier (UUID): e2603a60-d817-0133-f54f-00505686d14e
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x Hunt, Marianne, 1788-1857
x Marianne Hunt manuscript material : 10 items
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x Name: Hunt, Marianne, 1788-1857