May Sarton collection of papers, 1914-1993 bulk (1928-1974)

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Collection Data

This is a synthetic collection consisting of manuscripts and typescripts, correspondence, journals kept from 1928 to [1949], portraits, and an audio cassette. The manuscripts and typescripts include published and unpublished poems, drafts of novels, notes for work, articles, lectures, short stories, translations, and theater related material. The correspondence, dating from 1915 to 1993, includes letters from the author to Charles Barber, Rollo Walter Brown, William Theo Brown, Marie Closset, Katharine Davis, Margaret Foote Hawley, Julian Huxley, Samuel Solomonovich Koteliansky, Judith Matlack, Camille Mayran, Muriel Rukeyser, Eleanor Mabel Sarton, George Sarton, and others. There are letters to Sarton from James Agee, Conrad Aiken, Hilda Doolittle Aldington, W.H. Auden, Charles Andrew Barber, Louise Bogan, Elizabeth Bowen, Rollo Walter Brown, William Theo Brown, John Ciardi, Marie Closset, Padraic Colum, E. E. Cummings, Basil De Selincourt, Annie Winifred Ellerman, John Holmes, Langston Hughes, Julian Huxley, Juliette Huxley, Haniel Long, Aurélien François Lugné-Poe, Archibald MacLeish, Judith Matlack, Camille Mayran, Marianne Moore, Ruth Pitter, Muriel Rukeyser, Eleanor Mabel Sarton, George Sarton, Ellery Sedgwick, Freya Stark, Wallace Stevens, Thornton Wilder, William Carlos Williams, Leonard Woolf, Virginia Woolf, and others, dating from 1914 to 1992.
Sarton, May, 1912-1995 (Creator)
Agee, James, 1909-1955 (Correspondent)
Aiken, Conrad, 1889-1973 (Correspondent)
Auden, W. H. (Wystan Hugh), 1907-1973 (Correspondent)
Barber, Charles Andrew (Correspondent)
Bogan, Louise, 1897-1970 (Correspondent)
Bowen, Elizabeth, 1899-1973 (Correspondent)
Brown, Rollo Walter, 1880-1956 (Correspondent)
Brown, William Theo, 1919- (Correspondent)
Ciardi, John, 1916-1986 (Correspondent)
Closset, Marie, 1875- (Correspondent)
Colum, Padraic, 1881-1972 (Correspondent)
Cummings, E. E. (Edward Estlin), 1894-1962 (Correspondent)
Davis, Katharine (Correspondent)
De Selincourt, Basil, 1876- (Correspondent)
Hawley, Margaret Foote, 1880-1963 (Correspondent)
H. D. (Hilda Doolittle), 1886-1961 (Correspondent)
Holmes, John, 1904-1962 (Correspondent)
Hughes, Langston, 1902-1967 (Correspondent)
Huxley, Julian, 1887-1975 (Correspondent)
Huxley, Juliette, 1896-1994 (Correspondent)
Koteliansky, S. S. (Samuel Solomonovitch), 1880-1955 (Correspondent)
Long, Haniel, 1888-1956 (Correspondent)
Lugné-Poe, 1869-1940 (Correspondent)
MacLeish, Archibald, 1892-1982 (Correspondent)
Matlack, Judith, 1898-1982 (Correspondent)
Mayran, Camille (Correspondent)
Moore, Marianne, 1887-1972 (Correspondent)
Pitter, Ruth, 1897-1992 (Correspondent)
Rukeyser, Muriel, 1913-1980 (Correspondent)
Sarton, George, 1884-1956 (Correspondent)
Sedgwick, Ellery, 1872-1960 (Correspondent)
Stark, Freya (Correspondent)
Stevens, Wallace, 1879-1955 (Correspondent)
Wilder, Thornton, 1897-1975 (Correspondent)
Williams, William Carlos, 1883-1963 (Correspondent)
Woolf, Leonard, 1880-1969 (Correspondent)
Woolf, Virginia, 1882-1941 (Correspondent)
Brown, William Theo, 1919- (Former owner)
Closset, Marie, 1875- (Former owner)
Huxley, Julian, 1887-1975 (Former owner)
Javitz, Romana (Former owner)
Koteliansky, S. S. (Samuel Solomonovitch), 1880-1955
Reed, Paul (Former owner)
Rukeyser, Muriel, 1913-1980 (Former owner)
Dates / Origin
Date Created: 1914 - 1993
Library locations
Henry W. and Albert A. Berg Collection of English and American Literature
Shelf locator: Berg Coll MSS Sarton
Sarton, May, 1912-1995
Funding: Creation of collection-level record funded with the generous support of the Gladys Kreible Delmas Foundation.
Biographical/historical: May Sarton was an American poet and novelist.
Content: The Berg Collection also holds the May Sarton Papers which cover the years 1846 - 1995 (bulk dates 1920 - 1995) and are housed in 188 boxes (47 linear feet). They include manuscripts, correspondence, personal notebooks, artwork, handmade collections, anthologies and commonplace books as well as family papers and photographs. They also include professional papers, theater-related materials, translations, and work inspired by May Sarton.
Content: Descriptions of the items in the May Sarton Collection of Papers, 1914-1993 (bulk 1928-1974) are available in the card catalog in the Berg Collection.
Physical Description
Extent: 8,040 items
Type of Resource
Still image
NYPL catalog ID (B-number): b15889887
MSS Unit ID: 19101
Universal Unique Identifier (UUID): d3ca8730-c6b4-012f-7800-58d385a7bc34
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