National Negro Congress photograph collection

Collection Data

Collection depicts officials, members and individuals associated with the National Negro Congress (NNC), as well as views of organizational activities and events, from the mid-1930s to the mid-1940s. The collection consists of studio and candid portraits of individuals, mainly officials and prominent personalities; group portraits and candid views from meetings, conferences, banquets and presentations; and views of rallies and picket lines. Also depicted are views of some military operations and damage from bombardments during the Spanish Civil War (late 1930s); views of a health services center and a youth camp; and street scenes of Moscow (1935). Among the officials depicted are NNC executive secretaries John P. Davis, Edward Strong and Revels Cayton, and Negro Labor Victory Committee executive director Charles A. Collins. Also of note are candid views of speakers, performers and participants at NNC rallies held in Madison Square Garden, New York, including the Negro Freedom Rallies (1944 and 1945).
National Negro Congress (U.S.) (Creator)
Dates / Origin
Date Created: 1935 - 1947
Library locations
Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture, Photographs and Prints Division
Shelf locator: Sc Photo National Negro Congress Collection
African Americans -- Civil rights
African Americans -- Political activity
National Negro Congress (U.S.)
Content: Collection contains work by James Abresch, Walter B. Baker,Charles B. Nadell, Morgan and Marvin Smith, and Scurlock Studio, among others.
Content: Sc MG 1
Content: Some photographs bear photographer's, photography studio'sor news agency's handstamp on verso; some items have photographer's name printed or handwritten on recto. Many items bear handwritten notations on verso; some items beartypewritten captions attached to verso. Some items bear cropping and/or retouching marks; some items are cropped.
Biographical/historical: The National Negro Congress (NNC) was established in 1936 to defend African-Americans against racial discrimination and violence, promote co-operation between blacks and whites, and to organize for the social, political and economic advancement of African-Americans. Though conceived as a coalition between church, labor and civil rights organizations, the group's association with the Communist Party is alledged to have contributed to its demise in 1947.
Content: Title devised by cataloger.
Physical Description
Extent: 201 items (.5 cu. ft., 2 boxes) 93 photographic prints : gelatin silver, b ; 26 x 21 cm. and smaller. 101 photographic prints : gelatin silver, b ; 21 x 26 cm. and smaller. 5 photographic postcards : gelatin silver, b ; 15 x 10cm. 1 photomechanical print : b ; 20 x 15 cm. 1 drawing : ink and pencil, b ; 6 x 4 cm.
Type of Resource
Still image
NYPL catalog ID (B-number): b16177281
Universal Unique Identifier (UUID): 7f90c270-c61d-012f-f124-58d385a7bc34
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x Strong, Edward E., 1914-1957
x National Negro Congress photograph collection
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x Name: Strong, Edward E., 1914-1957


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