Pike's illustrated descriptive catalogue of optical, mathematical and philosophical instruments : manufactured, imported, and sold by the author, with the prices affixed at which they are offered in 1856

Collection Data

Pike, Benjamin, 1777-1864 (Author)
Dates / Origin
Date Issued: 1856
Place: New York
Publisher: Published and sold by the author
Library locations
General Research Division
Shelf locator: PAN (Pike, B. Pike's illustrated descriptive catalogue. 1856)
Scientific apparatus and instruments
Statement of responsibility: by Benjamin Pike, Jr.
Physical Description
Extent: 2 v. : ill. ; 19 cm.
NYPL catalog ID (B-number): b13752139
RLIN/OCLC: 12339775
Universal Unique Identifier (UUID): 89685a10-c605-012f-77aa-58d385a7bc34
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x Scientific apparatus and instruments
x Pike's illustrated descriptive catalogue of optical, mathematical and philosophical instruments : manufactured, imported, and sold by the author, with the prices affixed at which they are offered in 1856
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x Topic: Scientific apparatus and instruments