Content: 1. 2a: [B]Eatus vir qui ñ abijt / in cõ[s]ilio impiorũ ... ||
Colophon, 1. 126a: Jm̃p[ss]um et con[s]ũmatũ e[s]t hoc p[s]alteriũ / in alma vniuer[s]itate colonien[s]i: [p] me Cõ / radũ de hombo[r]ch ... ||
"Letania," 1. 121b-124a; "Preces," l. 124a-124b; "̊Qtitas p[s]almorũ nocturno[r]ũ," 1. 125a-126a.
Content: Bound before the Psalter are a ms. calendar for 1475-1493 (1 leaf of vellum) and a ms. ecclesiastical calendar (6 l.) with initials apparently by the illuminator of the Psalter. Bound at end are 13 leaves of 16th (?) century manuscript containing Latin prayers, 1. 1-9 written in black, red and blue, with English captions, l. 10-13 written by a different hand, with initials in red.
Content: Laid in are a holograph letter to Wilberforce Eames from F.S. Ellis relating to the book, and an account by Ellis of Hawtrey's library (an excerpt from: Quaritch, Bernard, ed. Contributions towards a dictionary of English book-collectors. London, 1892-99. Part X. 4 p.)