Scrutinium Scripturarum ... a ... Paulo de sancta maria Burgensi presule antehac de Iudaismo ad christianitatẽ conuerso editum.

Collection Data

Salvaticis, Porchetus de 12..-1315? (Author)
Dates / Origin
Date Issued: 1513 (Questionable)
Place: Parisijs
Publisher: Frellon
Library locations
Rare Book Division
Shelf locator: *KB 1520 (Salvaticis, P. de. Victoria Porcheti aduersus impios Hebŗeos)
Christianity and other religions -- Judaism
Content: Bound with: Salvaticis, Porchetus de. Victoria Porcheti aduersus impios Hebŗeos. Paris, 1520.
Content: Text on verso.
Content: Presumably published between 1513 when Bonnemere began to work at the sign of St. Martin and 1528 when Frellon's activity ceased.
Content: Publisher's device of Frellon on t.p.
Content: T.p. within four-piece historiated border with initials ofNicolas Des Prez in the lower piece (Renouard 331)
Ownership: Lenox.
Physical Description
Extent: 8, cii f. 28 cm. (fol.)
NYPL catalog ID (B-number): b14976940
Universal Unique Identifier (UUID): cd5fa070-c602-012f-3bd9-58d385a7bc34
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x Scrutinium Scripturarum ... a ... Paulo de sancta maria Burgensi presule antehac de Iudaismo ad christianitatẽ conuerso editum
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x Rare Book Division
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