Sean O'Casey collection of papers

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Collection Data

This is a synthetic collection consisting of manuscripts and typescripts, correspondence, diaries kept from 1904-1960, notebooks, financial and legal documents, portraits and pictorial works.
O'Casey, Sean, 1880-1964 (Creator)
Allgood, Sara, 1883-1950 (Correspondent)
Beckett, Samuel, 1906-1989 (Correspondent)
Ginna, Robert Emmett (Correspondent)
Gregory, Lady, 1852-1932 (Correspondent)
Gregory, Lady, 1852-1932 (Former owner)
O'Casey, Breon, 1928-2011 (Correspondent)
O'Connor, Fergus (Correspondent)
O'Neill, Maire, 1887-1952 (Former owner)
Robinson, Lennox, 1886-1958 (Correspondent)
Rotter, Clara (Correspondent)
Shaw, Bernard, 1856-1950 (Correspondent)
Sinclair, Arthur (Correspondent)
Yeats, W. B. (William Butler), 1865-1939 (Correspondent)
Abbey Theatre (Contributor)
American Play Company (Former owner)
Canon, Brookes & Odgers (Contributor)
Macmillan & Co. (Contributor)
Samuel French Ltd. (Contributor)
Dates / Origin
Date Created: 1904 - 1964
Library locations
Henry W. and Albert A. Berg Collection of English and American Literature
Shelf locator: Berg Coll MSS O'Casey
OCasey, Sean, 1880-1964
Biographical/historical: Sean O'Casey was an Irish playwright and theater critic.
Content: This is a synthetic collection consisting of manuscripts and typescripts, correspondence by and about the author, diaries kept from 1904-1960, notebooks, financial and legal documents, portraits and pictorial works. The manuscripts include drafts of essays and plays, poems, notes toward works, reading notes, criticism, and other holograph materials. The typescripts include articles, emended typescripts of plays, early and later drafts of play, poems, essays, and other typewritten materials. The financial documents include accounts for the period 1917 through 1962. The holdings also comprise 24 volumes of holograph notebooks. The correspondence includes letters written by the author from 1911 to 1964, to Sara Allgood, Robert Emmentt Ginna, Lady Gregory, Breon O'Casey, Fergus O'Connor, Clara Rotter, Jane Rubin, George Bernard Shaw, William Butler Yeats, and to others. There are also letters relating to the author, dating from 1925 to 1963, exchanged between various correspondents including Samuel Beckett, Lady Gregory, Lennox Robinson, and others. There are letters to O'Casey from The Abbey Theatre, Canon, Brookes & Odgers, Samuel French Ltd., Lady Gregory, MacMillan & Co., Lennox Robinson, Arthur Sinclair, W. B. Yeats, and others, dating from 1924 to 1960.
Physical Description
Extent: 855 items
Type of Resource
Other local Identifier: Berg Coll MSS O'Casey
NYPL catalog ID (B-number): b15846321
MSS Unit ID: 19128
Universal Unique Identifier (UUID): 1a7c0180-2f04-0137-9933-0072ca661993
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x Sean O'Casey collection of papers
x Correspondence
x Berg Collection
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