The Publishers' weekly [microform] : the American book trade journal

Collection Data

Am. Book Trade Association (Publisher)
Book Trade Association of Philadelphia (Publisher)
Publishers' Board of Trade (U.S.) (Publisher)
Dates / Origin
Place: New York
Publisher: Office of the Publishers' weekly [etc.]
Library locations
General Research Division
Shelf locator: *ZAN-2986
American literature
Content: Absorbed American literary gazette and publishers' circular in Jan. 1872.
Content: Subtitle varies.
Content: Supersedes: The Trade circular and publishers' bulletin.
Content: The record of "New publications" forms the basis for the American catalog.
Content: Title varies: 1872-73, The Publishers' and stationers' weekly trade circular. From 1888-1922 a Christmas number (issued in Nov. and separately paged) was published with title: The Christmas book shelf.
Content: Vols. 151-152 (Jan.-Dec. 1947), each number in two sections, section 2 being: Old and rare books including the Weekly book exchange (formerly incorporated in the main periodical).
Ownership: Gift of the DeWitt Wallace Endowment Fund, named in honor of the founder of Reader's Digest.
Physical Description
Extent: Ill., plates, ports., plans. 25 cm.
Type of Resource
NYPL catalog ID (B-number): b10080160
Universal Unique Identifier (UUID): c7e141b0-c61f-012f-667e-58d385a7bc34
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x The Publishers' weekly [microform] : the American book trade journal
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x Rights: Public Domain