The survey of London:

Collection Data

Stow, John (1525?-1605) (Author)
Dates / Origin
Date Issued: 1633
Place: London
Publisher: Printed by Elizabeth Pvrslovv, and are to be soldby N. Bovrne
Library locations
Rare Book Division
Shelf locator: *KC+ 1633 (Stow, J. Survey of London)
London (England) -- History -- To 1600
Content: "A. M., H. D. and others" [i.e. Anthony Munday, Henry Dyson, and others]
Content: Address "To the reader" signed: C.I.
Content: Fourth edition.
Content: Head and tail pieces; initials.
Content: Imperfect: front. wanting.
Content: Page [757] is a special t.-p.: The remaines or remnants ofdivers worthy things, which should have had their due place and honour in this worke, if promising friends had kept their words ... London, 1633.
Content: Paging irregular: p. 645, 647, 650, 732, 822, numbered 649,649, 652, 736, 832, respectively; nos. 527-534 repeated; nos. 653-654 and 771-772 omitted.
Ownership: Astor.
Statement of responsibility: With a memoriall of those famouser acts of charity, which for publike and pious uses have beene bestowed by many worshipfull citizens and benefactors ... Begunne first by the paines and industry of Iohn Stovv, in the yeere 1598. Afterwards inlarged by the care and diligence of A.M. in the yeere 1618. And now completely finished by the study and labour of A.M., H.D. and others, this present yeere 1633. Whereunto, besides many additions (as appeares by the contents) are annexed divers alphabeticall tables
Physical Description
Extent: 8 p. l., 939 [i.e. 935], [28] p. incl. front. illus. (incl. coats of arms) 32.5 cm
Type of Resource
Still image
NYPL catalog ID (B-number): b14473932
Universal Unique Identifier (UUID): 5c698670-0042-0130-fc85-58d385a7bc34
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x Genre: Prints
x Place: London (England)
x Rights: Public Domain

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