Theatre arts

Collection Data

Cheney, Sheldon, 1886-1980 (Editor)
Isaacs, Edith J. R. (Edith Juliet Rich), 1878-1956 (Editor)
Detroit Society of Arts and Crafts (Publisher)
Theatre Arts, Inc. (Publisher)
Dates / Origin
Date Issued: 1916 - 1964
Issuance: serial
Place: New York [etc.]
Publisher: Theatre Publications
Library locations
Billy Rose Theatre Division
Shelf locator: NBLA (Theatre arts magazine)
Content: Editors: Nov. 1916-Oct. 1921, Sheldon Cheney (with Edith J.R. Isaacs and others, Apr. 1919-Oct. 1921) -- Jan. 1922- Edith J.R. Isaacs and others.
Content: Monthly, Jan. 1924-; Quarterly, Nov. 1916-Oct. 1923
Numbering: Not published Nov.-Dec. 1948.
Reproduction: Also issued on Microfilm. Ann Arbor, Mich.: University Microfilms, [19--]. 1 microfilm reel ; 35 mm. International.
Creation/production credits: Vols. for Nov. 1916-Aug. 1917 published under the auspices of the Theatre Committee of the Society of Arts and Crafts, Detroit; Dec. 1917- by Theatre Arts, Inc., etc., New York.
Content: Indexes: 1916-1948. 2 v.; Vols. 1-48, 1916-1964, with v. 47, no. 2-v. 48, no. 1.
Source characteristics: Former Title: Theatre arts monthly Jan. 1924-Oct. 1939, Theatre arts magazine Nov. 1916-Oct. 1923; Absorbed : Stage magazine May 1950
Physical Description
Extent: 48 illustrated volumes ; 24-28 cm.
Type of Resource
RLIN/OCLC: NYPY946079173-S
NYPL catalog ID (B-number): b12114271
Library of Congress Control Number: 18009271
Universal Unique Identifier (UUID): dc56e290-c62b-012f-005e-58d385a7bc34
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x Genre: Set design drawings
x Publisher: Theatre Publications


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