Union der Sozialistischen Sowjet-Republiken

Collection Data

Guss, M. (Editor)
Lakisa, P. (Editor)
Lissitzky, El, 1890-1941 (Artist)
Khalatov, Art., 1896-1938 (Author of introduction, etc.)
Dates / Origin
Date Issued: 1928
Place: Moscow ; Köln
Publisher: Komitee des Sowjet-Pavillons auf der Internationalen Presse-Ausstellung Köln; M. Dumont Schauberg
Issuance: monographic
Library locations
The Miriam and Ira D. Wallach Division of Art, Prints and Photographs: Photography Collection
Shelf locator: MFWY 12-3688
International Press Exhibition (1928 : Cologne, Germany)
Sowjet-Pavillon (International Press Exhibition (1928 : Cologne, Germany))
Press -- Soviet Union
Lissitzky, El, 1890-1941
Exhibition catalogs
Content: Ex Libris (Firm). Constructivism & futurism, 281
Content: For discussion of Lissitzky's contribution and reproductions of images from the catalog and relating to the design of the pavilion, cf. El Lissitzky : life, letters, texts / Sophie Lissitzky. 1968. p. 84-86; figs. 149-151, 203-214.
Content: Issued in orange-red paper covers, printed in black and embossed in black with hammer and sickle design.
Content: Pref. by A. Khalatov.
Content: Copy in NARF imperfect: All but 1 p. of ill. wanting.
Content: Umschlag, Typo- und Photogestaltung: Prof. El Lissitzky, Moskau --T.p. verso. Lissitzky also designed and served as artistic director for the pavilion; cf. p. 106.
Content: The ill. are reproductions of photos. and photocollages, printed in sepia and red on a sheet (22 cm. x ca. 230 cm.) folded accordion-style to 18 p. On facing page of text (p. 16): 'Hier sehen Sie in einer typographischen Kinoschau den Inhalt des Sowjetpavillons vorЭberziehen.'
Content: Redaktion: Chefredakteur Dr. M. Guss, Redakteur Prof. P. Lakisa --T.p. verso.
Statement of responsibility: [Herausgeber: Komitee des Sowjet-Pavillons auf der Internationalen Presse-Ausstellung Köln 1928].
NARF (Union of Soviet Socialist Republics ... Katalog des Sowjet-Pavillons) - (former classmark)
Physical Description
Extent: 111 p., [1] folded leaf of plates ([18] p. of plates) : ill., plan ; 22 cm.
Type of Resource
Still image
NYPL catalog ID (B-number): b15035103
Universal Unique Identifier (UUID): dc52dbf0-c60a-012f-8182-58d385a7bc34
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x Division: Wallach Division: Photography Collection
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