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Lilliputian humorists
9 items
Marc Eidlitz & Son, 1854-1914
9 items
Naar de Antillen en Venezuela
9 items
Narrative of an expedition to explore the river Zaire, usually called the Congo, in South Africa, in 1816
9 items
Nigerian studies: or the religious and political system of the Yoruba
9 items
Oeuvre de Tempesti
9 items
9 items
Remington's rough riders.
9 items
Slavery resolutions
9 items
The American slave-trade; an account of its origin, growth and suppression
9 items
The Suppressed book about slavery! Prepared for public 1857, never published until the present time
9 items
The annual meeting and convention, held in the city of Albany, New York, May 26, 1892
9 items
The cruise of the Scythian in the West Indies
9 items
The education and economic development of the Negro in Virginia
9 items
The illustrated London novelist
9 items
The photographic history of the Civil War : thousands of scenes photographed 1861-65, with text by many special authorities
9 items
The plantation South, 1934-1937
9 items
Thesaurus sacrarum historiaru Veteris Testamenti et novi Testamenti
9 items
Two colored women with the American Expeditionary Forces
9 items
Uraltsy : ocherki byta uralskikh kazakov
9 items
Vidy g. Velikago-Ustiuga
9 items
9 items
Commissio spectabilis et generosi viri domini Laurentii Mauri honorabilis Duche Crete
9 items
A Select Collection of Caricatures
9 items
A narrative of travels in Northern Africa, in the years 1818, 19, and 20 : accompanied by geographical notices of the course of the Niger
9 items
A slaveholder's daughter
9 items
Akt sdachi pamiatnika, sooruzhennago na sredstva selskago naseleniia gubernii Tsarstva Polskago Imperatoru Aleksandru II-u v gorodie Chenstokhovie.
9 items
9 items
Bŭlgarski baladi
9 items
Carta ejecutoria
9 items
Chroniques martiniennes
9 items
En Guinée
9 items
Flos Florum Paradisi [and] Letanie Gloriosissime Virginis Marie
9 items
The Voice of the Victor
9 items
Harry A. Williamson papers
9 items
Augusta Savage photograph collection
9 items
9 items
9 items
Afro-Cubans in Ybor City
9 items
Metropolitan magazine
9 items
Results 2,041 - 2,080
Samuel Taylor Coleridge collection of papers
9 items
Alvin Ailey Video Archive
9 items
Country homes
9 items
Life at the South: or, "Uncle Tom's cabin" as it is
9 items
David Voss Video Archive
9 items
Astronomical charts
9 items
Illustrated description of the Broadway underground railway
9 items
Istorichesk¯ie vidy v gorodie Kostromie i selie Korobovie
9 items
Samarskiĭ kaḟedral'nyĭ sobor vo im︠i︡a Spasa, s prid︠i︡elami vo im︠i︡a sv. Blagov︠i︡ernago Velikago Kn︠i︡az︠i︡a Aleksandra Nevskago i chtimykh pravoslavno︠i︡u ︠t︡serkov'︠i︡u 4-go Apr︠i︡el︠i︡a Sv︠i︡atykh
9 items
Gordon Anderson collection
9 items
Libro de profecie
9 items
Mr. William Shakespeares Comedies, Histories, & Tragedies
9 items
Engineering review
9 items
Les travavx d'Vlysse
9 items
Pauline Lawrence Limón collection
9 items
Howarth Gurdjieff Archive
9 items
William Beekman Collection of Virginia Woolf and Her Circle
9 items
Gregory Hines Collection of American Tap Dance
9 items
Americas Exchange Program for Dance Video Archive
9 items
20 Photographs by Eugène Atget, 1856-1927
9 items
American Telephone and Telegraph Company Video Archive
9 items
Henry Cowell collection of noncommercial recordings
9 items
Jan Peerce collection of sound recordings,1932-1983
9 items
International Labor Defense photograph collection
9 items
National Negro Congress photograph collection
9 items
Maria Tallchief Video Archive
9 items
Selected items from "Lest We Forget" exhibition
9 items
Interweaving Patterns
9 items
Postcard collection
9 items
The Syrian-American commercial magazine
8 items
Collection of ledgers and cash books covering the period 1891-1925
8 items
Photographs by Francis Frith & Co.
8 items
The Donald Weissmuller Video Archive
8 items
Paul Sanasardo Video Archive
8 items
Ruth Page Video Archive
8 items
Boudoir card photographs of Portland, Oregon
8 items
Raphael Patai papers
8 items
Collegiate Chorale collection of performance recordings
8 items
Ted Shawn papers, Additions
8 items
Rodgers and Hammerstein Archives of Recorded Sound clipping files
8 items
Results 2,081 - 2,120
Alan Shulman papers
8 items
Prints by Adrian Collaert
8 items
Stroitelʹna︠i︡a promyshlennostʹ
8 items
Jack Butler Yeats collection of papers
8 items
Portraits and caricatures
8 items
Sidonia the sorceress
8 items
8 items
Stoli︠t︡sa i usadʹba
8 items
A collection of sûras, prayers, and other religious writings
8 items
Albrecht Dürer
8 items
The Harlem, New York Series
8 items
8 items
Segregation and integration
8 items
8 items
Record of the expedition to Abyssinia
8 items
Society of Tammany, or Columbian Order records
8 items
Denishawn Video Archive
8 items
Mattachine Society, Inc. of New York Records
8 items
Selected Lima Studies
8 items
Collin MacGregor letterbooks
8 items
Views of Chile
8 items
Paschal Guzman Video Archive
8 items
Chiang Ching Video Archive
8 items
Richard Hoover designs and papers
8 items
The Spur
8 items
Frank P. Walsh papers
8 items
Works & Process at the Guggenheim Video Archive
8 items
Terry Stark Javanese Dance
8 items
Photos from the early Soviet period : miscellaneous subjects, 1918-1934
8 items
The work of George Maillard Kesslere ...
8 items
Humphrey-Weidman Group
8 items
The fundamental constitutions of Carolina
8 items
Hudson collection
8 items
William Conant Church papers
8 items
Liturgial texts
8 items
Gwendolyn Bennett photograph collection
8 items
The Illustrated London news
8 items
Le Triumphe d'Anvers Faict pour la Noble Festes de la Thoison d'Or....
8 items
George Platt Lynes/Jack Woody Photographs
8 items
A voyage to the river Sierra-Leone, on the coast of Africa
8 items
Results 2,121 - 2,160
Sara Sugihara Video Archive
8 items
Egypt, Nubia, and Ethiopia:
8 items
James Gossage photographs
8 items
Anne Brontë papers
8 items
Portraits of Marion Anderson, Albert Basserman, Alban Berg, Albert Einstein, Hedy Lamarr, the Lowengut Quartet, Gian Carlo Menotti, Arturo Toscanini and Paul Wegener
8 items
Shaker manuscript collection
8 items
United States Sanitary Commission records. Hospital Directory archives
8 items
Advertising cards
8 items
Straus family papers
8 items
El Arquitecto
8 items
Deli and restaurant matchbook covers
8 items
James Van Der Zee portfolio
8 items
The judge
8 items
A journey from Aleppo to Jerusalem, at Easter, A. D. 1697
8 items
A voyage to Senegal; or, Historical, philosophical, and political memoirs relative to the discoveries, establishments and commerce of Europeans inthe Atlantic Ocean, from Cape Blanco to the river of Sierra Leone
8 items
Ain Bethbuch linn der zehn Gebot, des Glaubens, des Vatters unsers und des Ave Marien
8 items
Albom Georgievskago Balaklavskago monastyria v Krymu
8 items
Alphabetum tibetanum missionum apostolicarum commodo editum.
8 items
Anita Arden scrapbooks, 1920-1996
8 items
Breve trattato delle afflittioni d'Italia et del conflitto di Roma con pronosticatione
8 items
Brief sketch of the life and labors of Rev. Alexander Bettis; also an account of the founding and development of the Bettis Academy
8 items
The Classic Grounds of American Authors:
8 items
Colonie de la Côte d'Ivoire. Cercle du Bas-Cavally au point de vue politique et économique, us et coutumes
8 items
Cuban views
8 items
De Angola á contra-costa; descripção de uma viagem atravez do continente africano
8 items
De Koulikoro à Tombouctou sur la canonnière
8 items
Dlia golosa
8 items
Education in the United States; a series of monographs
8 items
French goldsmith's designs, ca. 1800.
8 items
Heures présentées a Madame le Pelletier intendante de la Generalité de Soissons
8 items
Histoire Ancienne, Books VI-X
8 items
History of the Colored race in America
8 items
Pictorial Humpty Dumpty
8 items
Introduction to drawing ships
8 items
Isadora Duncan Dancers programs
8 items
Jack Johnson in the ring and out
8 items
Krilatiiat iunak : prikazka
8 items
Leo Seltzer Archive
8 items
Livre du Petit Artus Fils du Bon Duc Jehan de Bretiagne
8 items
Mao shi ji shi : san shi juan
8 items
Results 2,161 - 2,200
Mon roman au Niger; roman d'aventures
8 items
Negro life
8 items
The Negroes of Athens, Georgia
8 items
Officium Beatae Mariae Virginis
8 items
Onkel Toms (Pastor Josiah Hensons) lefnadshistoria fran 1789 till 1877, berattad af honom sjelf
8 items
Our old folks
8 items
Out of the ditch; a true story of an ex-slave
8 items
Pavlova ballets.
8 items
Psalterium, cum antiphonario
8 items
Recollections of seventy years
8 items
Report of the mayor's Push-cart Commission
8 items
Risunki prinadlezhashchie k Opisaniiu koronovaniia imperatritsy Ekateriny II. 1762
8 items
Souvenir program
8 items
Stimpson's Boston directory; containing the names of the inhabitants, their occupations, places of business, and dwelling houses, and the city register, with lists of the streets, lanes and wharves, the city officers, public offices and banks, and othe...
8 items
The British West Indies; their history, resources and progress
8 items
The Jerry rescue, October 1, 1851, delivered before the Onondaga Historical Association, October 21, 1921
8 items
The Lesser Antilles
8 items
The Life, trial and execution of Captain John Brown, known as "Old Brown of Ossawatomie," with a full account of the attempted insurrection at Harper's Ferry
8 items
The Twenty Fourth Infantry, past and present; a brief history of the regiment compiled from official records, under the direction of the regimental commander
8 items
The colored man in the Methodist Episcopal Church
8 items
The cradle of the deep; an account of a voyage to the West Indies
8 items
The cradle of the deep; an account of a voyage to the West Indies
8 items
The history of Dahomy, an inland Kingdom of Africa
8 items
The history of Jamaica or, General survey of the antient and modern state of the island: with reflections on its situation, settlements, inhabitants, climate, products, commerce, laws and government, illustrated with copper plates
8 items
The looking-glass: being a true report and narrative of the life, travels and labors of the Rev. Daniel H. Peterson, a colored clergyman; embracing a period of time from the year 1812 to 1854, and including his visit to western Africa
8 items
The slave states of America
8 items
Tiko le négrillon; aventures d'un escalve à travers l'Afrique
8 items
Travels in Africa, performed during the years 1785, 1786, and 1787, in the western countries of that continent....
8 items
Twelve years a slave
8 items
Various sketches of shipping, designed as an assistant for youth towards studying marine drawing
8 items
Views of interesting places in the Holy Land...
8 items
Breviary for Carthusian use
8 items
8 items
Missal of San Petronio
8 items
[Synacharion] and [Menologion]
8 items
Wappenbuch (Book of Heraldry), and including text 'Das Lublich Herkommen des Thorneys'
8 items
A slave's adventures toward freedom; not fiction, but the true story of a struggle
8 items
History of Greece
8 items
Our mutual friend
8 items
Dutchess County Anti-Slavery Society Executive Committee minutes
7 items