All Collections

3 items
Diana Vreeland papers
Diana Vreeland papers
3 items
Dudley Williams papers
Dudley Williams papers
3 items
Edna St. Vincent Millay collection of papers
Edna St. Vincent Millay collection of papers
3 items
Historia inquisitionis. Cui subjungitur Liber sententiarum inquisitionis tholosanae ab anno Christi MCCVII ad annum MCCCXXIII.
Historia inquisitionis. Cui subjungitur Liber sententiarum inquisitionis tholosanae ab anno Christi MCCVII ad annum MCCCXXIII.
3 items
Jamaica, 1880-1900
Jamaica, 1880-1900
3 items
James and Charles Daugherty collection
James and Charles Daugherty collection
3 items
Levi P. Morton papers
Levi P. Morton papers
3 items
Légendes des artistes
Légendes des artistes
3 items
Montague-Collier family papers
Montague-Collier family papers
3 items
National jeweler
National jeweler
3 items
Olive Reeves-Smith Papers
Olive Reeves-Smith Papers
3 items
Pauline Koner papers
Pauline Koner papers
3 items
Pedestrianism; or, An account of the performances of celebrated pedestrians during the last and present century;
Pedestrianism; or, An account of the performances of celebrated pedestrians during the last and present century;
3 items
Photographs by Edward Curtis
Photographs by Edward Curtis
3 items
Piano solos
Piano solos
3 items
Sardi's (Restaurant) caricatures
Sardi's (Restaurant) caricatures
3 items
Sonny Rollins photograph collection
Sonny Rollins photograph collection
3 items
The New York herald
The New York herald
3 items
The Rider & Driver
The Rider & Driver
3 items
Vito Marcantonio photographs
Vito Marcantonio photographs
3 items
Vito Russo papers
Vito Russo papers
3 items
Young cherry trees secured against hares
Young cherry trees secured against hares
3 items
Vita Sackville-West collection of papers
Vita Sackville-West collection of papers
3 items
American scenery, or, Land, lake, and river illustrations of transatlantic nature
American scenery, or, Land, lake, and river illustrations of transatlantic nature
3 items
Jones-Sadler Family photograph collection
Jones-Sadler Family photograph collection
3 items
The Road to the temple of Honour and Fame
The Road to the temple of Honour and Fame
3 items
Panoramic views collection
Panoramic views collection
3 items
Letters to Robert Fizdale and Arthur Gold
Letters to Robert Fizdale and Arthur Gold
3 items
A vindication of the rights of woman: with strictures on political and moral subjects
A vindication of the rights of woman: with strictures on political and moral subjects
3 items
Arts & decoration
Arts & decoration
3 items
Iconografía de gobernantes de la Nueva España;
Iconografía de gobernantes de la Nueva España;
3 items
Specimens of polyautography.
Specimens of polyautography.
3 items
The Starry cross
The Starry cross
3 items
Ted Shawn
Ted Shawn
3 items
American political caricatures
American political caricatures
3 items
Divina commedia
Divina commedia
3 items
House beautiful
House beautiful
3 items
Itinerario, Uoyage ofte Schipvaert, van Jan Huygen van Linschoten naer Oost ofte Portugaels Jndien, inhoudende een corte beschryvinghe der selver Landen ende Zee-custen ...
Itinerario, Uoyage ofte Schipvaert, van Jan Huygen van Linschoten naer Oost ofte Portugaels Jndien, inhoudende een corte beschryvinghe der selver Landen ende Zee-custen ...
3 items
James Weldon Johnson photograph collection
James Weldon Johnson photograph collection
3 items
Results 3,241 - 3,280 | Top
Ladies' home journal.
Ladies' home journal.
3 items
Microcosm of London
Microcosm of London
3 items
The Photographic news for amateur photographers ...
The Photographic news for amateur photographers ...
3 items
Robert Louis Stevenson collection of papers, [1873]-[1944] bulk (1881-1917).
Robert Louis Stevenson collection of papers, [1873]-[1944] bulk (1881-1917).
3 items
Successful selling for the retail book salesman
Successful selling for the retail book salesman
3 items
The Muses
The Muses
3 items
The Strand Magazine
The Strand Magazine
3 items
The family Robinson Crusoe, or, Journal of a father shipwrecked,
The family Robinson Crusoe, or, Journal of a father shipwrecked,
3 items
A Collection of pamphlets relating to antivivisection, published in various places, from 1894-1912.
A Collection of pamphlets relating to antivivisection, published in various places, from 1894-1912.
3 items
Elémens de la philosophie de Neuton :
Elémens de la philosophie de Neuton :
3 items
Hypnerotomachia Poliphili
Hypnerotomachia Poliphili
3 items
Sansui ryakugashiki
Sansui ryakugashiki
3 items
A description of the province and city of New York
A description of the province and city of New York
3 items
A general history of the pyrates,
A general history of the pyrates,
3 items
A narrative of the expedition to Algiers in the year 1816, under the command of the Right Hon. Admiral Lord Viscount Exmouth
A narrative of the expedition to Algiers in the year 1816, under the command of the Right Hon. Admiral Lord Viscount Exmouth
3 items
A red record.
A red record.
3 items
Account of a shooting excursion on the mountains near Dromilly estate, in the parish of Trelawny, and island of Jamaica, in the month of October 1824.
Account of a shooting excursion on the mountains near Dromilly estate, in the parish of Trelawny, and island of Jamaica, in the month of October 1824.
3 items
Account of the capture of Recife
Account of the capture of Recife
3 items
Active service, or, Religious work among U.S. soldiers
Active service, or, Religious work among U.S. soldiers
3 items
3 items
Album historico fotografico de la guerra de Cuba desde su principio hasta el reinado de Amadeo I ...
Album historico fotografico de la guerra de Cuba desde su principio hasta el reinado de Amadeo I ...
3 items
American annual of photography and photographic times almanac
American annual of photography and photographic times almanac
3 items
American railway guide, and pocket companion, for the United States
American railway guide, and pocket companion, for the United States
3 items
An account of the native Africans in the neighbourhood of Sierra Leone : to which is added an account of the present state of medicine among them
An account of the native Africans in the neighbourhood of Sierra Leone : to which is added an account of the present state of medicine among them
3 items
An inquiry into the symbolical language of ancient art and mythology. by R. P. Knight. [Privately printed] 1818. Reprinted by the Society of Dilettanti.
An inquiry into the symbolical language of ancient art and mythology. by R. P. Knight. [Privately printed] 1818. Reprinted by the Society of Dilettanti.
3 items
Anthony Burns, a history
Anthony Burns, a history
3 items
3 items
Ars magna lucis et umbrae, in X. libros digesta. Quibus admirandae lucis & umbrae in mundo, atque adeò universa natura, vires effectusque uti nova, ita varia novorum reconditiorumque speciminum exhibitione, ad varios mortalium usus, panduntur
Ars magna lucis et umbrae, in X. libros digesta. Quibus admirandae lucis & umbrae in mundo, atque adeò universa natura, vires effectusque uti nova, ita varia novorum reconditiorumque speciminum exhibitione, ad varios mortalium usus, panduntur
3 items
Atlas photographique de la lune, publié par l'Observatoire de Paris. Exécuté par M. M. Loewy ... [et] M. P. Puiseux ...
Atlas photographique de la lune, publié par l'Observatoire de Paris. Exécuté par M. M. Loewy ... [et] M. P. Puiseux ...
3 items
Au cirque
Au cirque
3 items
Autographs for freedom
Autographs for freedom
3 items
Battles and leaders of the Civil War
Battles and leaders of the Civil War
3 items
Biblia pauperum
Biblia pauperum
3 items
A Book of plans for churches and parsonages
A Book of plans for churches and parsonages
3 items
Die Bücher der Chronika der drei Schwestern. Illustrirt von H. Die Die Lefler und J. Urban
Die Bücher der Chronika der drei Schwestern. Illustrirt von H. Die Die Lefler und J. Urban
3 items
Cabinet Card Collection
Cabinet Card Collection
3 items
Character and individuality in decorations and furnishings
Character and individuality in decorations and furnishings
3 items
Civitates Orbis Terrarvm Liber Primvs-Sextvs
Civitates Orbis Terrarvm Liber Primvs-Sextvs
3 items
Compendio historico-politico dos principios da lavoura do Maranhão :
Compendio historico-politico dos principios da lavoura do Maranhão :
3 items
Cosmographiae Introdvctio / Cvm Qvibvsdam / Geometriae / Ac / Astrono / miae Principiis / Ad Eam Dem [sic] Necessariis. / Insuper quatuor Americi Vespucii / nauigationes
Cosmographiae Introdvctio / Cvm Qvibvsdam / Geometriae / Ac / Astrono / miae Principiis / Ad Eam Dem [sic] Necessariis. / Insuper quatuor Americi Vespucii / nauigationes
3 items
Results 3,281 - 3,320 | Top
Dance Critics Association Video Archive
Dance Critics Association Video Archive
3 items
Die Pflanze als Erfinder, von R. H. Francé, mit zahlreichen Abbildungen.
Die Pflanze als Erfinder, von R. H. Francé, mit zahlreichen Abbildungen.
3 items
Dixie; or, Southern scenes and sketches
Dixie; or, Southern scenes and sketches
3 items
Documentary history of reconstruction : political, military, social, religious, educational & industrial, 1865 to the present time
Documentary history of reconstruction : political, military, social, religious, educational & industrial, 1865 to the present time
3 items
Drawings by Charles T. Griffes
Drawings by Charles T. Griffes
3 items
Dur, cērt sit
Dur, cērt sit
3 items
Early Western photographs, 1857-1899
Early Western photographs, 1857-1899
3 items
Easter set.
Easter set.
3 items
Efforts for social betterment among Negro Americans
Efforts for social betterment among Negro Americans
3 items
Ehon Kototsugai
Ehon Kototsugai
3 items
Enshoku shina sadame
Enshoku shina sadame
3 items
Experience and personal narrative of Uncle Tom Jones, who was for forty years a slave
Experience and personal narrative of Uncle Tom Jones, who was for forty years a slave
3 items
Fac-similes of the miniatures & ornaments of Anglo-Saxon & Irish manuscripts.
Fac-similes of the miniatures & ornaments of Anglo-Saxon & Irish manuscripts.
3 items
Five years' residence in the West Indies
Five years' residence in the West Indies
3 items
Fugaku hyakkei
Fugaku hyakkei
3 items
Gideon Welles papers, 1825-1878, bulk (1840-1864)
Gideon Welles papers, 1825-1878, bulk (1840-1864)
3 items
Giga bassui Itichô gafu
Giga bassui Itichô gafu
3 items
Miscellaneous personal name files
Miscellaneous personal name files
3 items
Het menselyk bedryf : vertoond in 100 verbeeldingen van ambachten, konsten, hanteeringen en bedryven : met versen.
Het menselyk bedryf : vertoond in 100 verbeeldingen van ambachten, konsten, hanteeringen en bedryven : met versen.
3 items
Histoire naturelle des perroquettes
Histoire naturelle des perroquettes
3 items
Hotel Savoy illustrated, Fifty-ninth street and Fifth avenue, New York City
Hotel Savoy illustrated, Fifty-ninth street and Fifth avenue, New York City
3 items
Illustrated Sporting News
Illustrated Sporting News
3 items
The International socialist review
The International socialist review
3 items
3 items
3 items
La historia del mondo nuovo di M. Girolamo Benzoni Milanese
La historia del mondo nuovo di M. Girolamo Benzoni Milanese
3 items
La photographie médicale & application aux sciences médicales et physiologiques
La photographie médicale & application aux sciences médicales et physiologiques
3 items
Les œuvres de M. François Rabelais... : Augmentées de la vie de l'auteur & de quelques remarques sur sa vie & sur l'histoire. Avec la clef & l'explication de tous les mots difficiles...
Les œuvres de M. François Rabelais... : Augmentées de la vie de l'auteur & de quelques remarques sur sa vie & sur l'histoire. Avec la clef & l'explication de tous les mots difficiles...
3 items
Letters on the Colonization Society; and on its probable results; under the following heads: the origin of the society; increase of the coloured population; manumission of slaves in this country; declarations of legislatures, and other  towns
Letters on the Colonization Society; and on its probable results; under the following heads: the origin of the society; increase of the coloured population; manumission of slaves in this country; declarations of legislatures, and other towns
3 items
Lloyd's steamboat directory, and disasters on the western waters
Lloyd's steamboat directory, and disasters on the western waters
3 items
Log of the ship Lawrance
Log of the ship Lawrance
3 items
London labour and the London poor : a cyclopaedia of the condition and earnings of those that will work, those that cannot work, and those that will not work
London labour and the London poor : a cyclopaedia of the condition and earnings of those that will work, those that cannot work, and those that will not work
3 items
The Mad Mullah of Somaliland, by Douglas Jardine. With a foreword by the Right Honourable the Viscount Milner
The Mad Mullah of Somaliland, by Douglas Jardine. With a foreword by the Right Honourable the Viscount Milner
3 items
Military services rendered by the Haitians in the North and South American wars for independence; Savannah, Georgia, 1779; Columbia, South America, 1815
Military services rendered by the Haitians in the North and South American wars for independence; Savannah, Georgia, 1779; Columbia, South America, 1815
3 items
Moĭ parizh
Moĭ parizh
3 items
Myôhô rengekyô
Myôhô rengekyô
3 items
Narrative of William W. Brown : an American slave
Narrative of William W. Brown : an American slave
3 items
New York illustrated
New York illustrated
3 items
New neighborhoods, new lives
New neighborhoods, new lives
3 items
The New-York gazette, and the weekly Mercury
The New-York gazette, and the weekly Mercury
3 items
Results 3,321 - 3,360 | Top
Nishikawa Hinagata
Nishikawa Hinagata
3 items
Old believers manuscript
Old believers manuscript
3 items
Parentalia Mariae Clementinae Magn. Britan. Franc., et Hibern. Regin. jussu Clementis XII. Pont. Max.
Parentalia Mariae Clementinae Magn. Britan. Franc., et Hibern. Regin. jussu Clementis XII. Pont. Max.
3 items
Photographic views of Sherman's campaign
Photographic views of Sherman's campaign
3 items
Photographs and other materials depicting the New York Public Library
Photographs and other materials depicting the New York Public Library
3 items
Das Plakat; Mitteilungen des Vereins der Plakatfreunde e.V.
Das Plakat; Mitteilungen des Vereins der Plakatfreunde e.V.
3 items
Pomorskīe ōtvĕty : ōtvĕty pūstynnozhiteleĭ na voprosy īeromonakha Neofẏta.
Pomorskīe ōtvĕty : ōtvĕty pūstynnozhiteleĭ na voprosy īeromonakha Neofẏta.
3 items
Portraits and vignettes
Portraits and vignettes
3 items
Print Collection clipping file
Print Collection clipping file
3 items
3 items
Ransai gafu
Ransai gafu
3 items
Recht Ghebruyck Ende Misbruyck, van tydlycke Have...
Recht Ghebruyck Ende Misbruyck, van tydlycke Have...
3 items
Recueil de vues des lieux principaux de la colonie françoise de Saint-Domingue
Recueil de vues des lieux principaux de la colonie françoise de Saint-Domingue
3 items
Report upon the Colorado River of the West : explored in 1857 and 1858 by Lieutenant Joseph C. Ives, Corps of Topographical Engineers
Report upon the Colorado River of the West : explored in 1857 and 1858 by Lieutenant Joseph C. Ives, Corps of Topographical Engineers
3 items
3 items
Rimon (Berlin, Germany)
Rimon (Berlin, Germany)
3 items
Russkīĭ ︠t︡sar s ︠t︡sari︠t︡se︠i︡u na poklonenīi Moskovskim sv︠i︡atyn︠i︡am
Russkīĭ ︠t︡sar s ︠t︡sari︠t︡se︠i︡u na poklonenīi Moskovskim sv︠i︡atyn︠i︡am
3 items
Samuel B. Ruggles papers, 1801-1881.
Samuel B. Ruggles papers, 1801-1881.
3 items
Sansai hyakushû
Sansai hyakushû
3 items
Satyr against marriage
Satyr against marriage
3 items
Die Schöne Rarität
Die Schöne Rarität
3 items
Series of advertising cards issued by Arbuckle Bros. Coffee Company, each consisting of a map of a United States state or territory with related illustrations
Series of advertising cards issued by Arbuckle Bros. Coffee Company, each consisting of a map of a United States state or territory with related illustrations
3 items
Six trios concertants pour deux violons et basse obligée
Six trios concertants pour deux violons et basse obligée
3 items
Six years of a traveller's life in Western Africa
Six years of a traveller's life in Western Africa
3 items
Smiley-Polk Family documents
Smiley-Polk Family documents
3 items
Sollicitude d'une mère pour les plus précieux intérêts de sa fille. Traduit de l'anglais de Mrs. Taylor of Ongar; par l'abbé Le Febvre.
Sollicitude d'une mère pour les plus précieux intérêts de sa fille. Traduit de l'anglais de Mrs. Taylor of Ongar; par l'abbé Le Febvre.
3 items
Solomon Crow's Christmas pockets and other tales
Solomon Crow's Christmas pockets and other tales
3 items
Souvenir album of China
Souvenir album of China
3 items
Souvenirs de la campagne du Dahomey
Souvenirs de la campagne du Dahomey
3 items
St. Domingo, of Het land der zwarten in Hayti en deszelfs omwenteling
St. Domingo, of Het land der zwarten in Hayti en deszelfs omwenteling
3 items
Stvdio d'architettvra civile sopra gli ornamenti di porte e finestre tratti da alcune fabbriche insigni di Roma,
Stvdio d'architettvra civile sopra gli ornamenti di porte e finestre tratti da alcune fabbriche insigni di Roma,
3 items
Testamente nutak : Kaladlin okauzeennut nuktersimarsok, nar'kiutingoaenniglo sukuïarsimarsok.
Testamente nutak : Kaladlin okauzeennut nuktersimarsok, nar'kiutingoaenniglo sukuïarsimarsok.
3 items
The First book of poetry : for the use of schools, intended as reading lessons for the younger classes. By W.F. Mylius. With two engravings.
The First book of poetry : for the use of schools, intended as reading lessons for the younger classes. By W.F. Mylius. With two engravings.
3 items
The Urban League Bulletin
The Urban League Bulletin
3 items
The adventures of Ulysses
The adventures of Ulysses
3 items
The colored patriots of the American Revolution : with sketches of several distinguished colored persons
The colored patriots of the American Revolution : with sketches of several distinguished colored persons
3 items
The last leaf : poem
The last leaf : poem
3 items
The parent's offering, or, Tales for children. By Mrs. Caroline Barnard.
The parent's offering, or, Tales for children. By Mrs. Caroline Barnard.
3 items
The penitential tyrant; or, Slave trader reformed: a pathetic poem, in four cantos.
The penitential tyrant; or, Slave trader reformed: a pathetic poem, in four cantos.
3 items
The report of the New York City Improvement Commission to the Hon. George B. McClellan, mayor ... December 14, 1904
The report of the New York City Improvement Commission to the Hon. George B. McClellan, mayor ... December 14, 1904
3 items
Results 3,361 - 3,400 | Top
The welfare of children in cotton-growing areas of Texas
The welfare of children in cotton-growing areas of Texas
3 items
The white man's grave: a visit to Sierra Leone, in 1834
The white man's grave: a visit to Sierra Leone, in 1834
3 items
Theatre magazine
Theatre magazine
3 items
Toin Zukan
Toin Zukan
3 items
Travels in South Africa, undertaken at the request of the Missionary Society
Travels in South Africa, undertaken at the request of the Missionary Society
3 items
Travels in the interior districts of Africa, performed under the direction and patronage of the African Association in the years 1795, 1796 and 1797
Travels in the interior districts of Africa, performed under the direction and patronage of the African Association in the years 1795, 1796 and 1797
3 items
Travels through the interior parts of North-America in theyears 1766, 1767, and 1768.
Travels through the interior parts of North-America in theyears 1766, 1767, and 1768.
3 items
Tsôzoku isho monogatari
Tsôzoku isho monogatari
3 items
Twice sold, twice ransomed: autobiography of Mr. and Mrs. L.P. Ray
Twice sold, twice ransomed: autobiography of Mr. and Mrs. L.P. Ray
3 items
United States atrocities : lynch law
United States atrocities : lynch law
3 items
Upjohn's rural architecture
Upjohn's rural architecture
3 items
Voyages et Decouvertes dans L'Afrique Centrale et L'Afrique Septentrionale
Voyages et Decouvertes dans L'Afrique Centrale et L'Afrique Septentrionale
3 items
Waikna or, adventures on the Mosquito shore
Waikna or, adventures on the Mosquito shore
3 items
Wappenbuch der Familie Funckh
Wappenbuch der Familie Funckh
3 items
White and black under the old regime
White and black under the old regime
3 items
Wide world magazine
Wide world magazine
3 items
Berg collection uncataloged manuscripts
Berg collection uncataloged manuscripts
3 items
Engraved portraits, collected by Valentin Alexander Blacque
Engraved portraits, collected by Valentin Alexander Blacque
3 items
Five colored etchings by Francesco Camporesi in Slavic and Baltic Division of The New York Public Library
Five colored etchings by Francesco Camporesi in Slavic and Baltic Division of The New York Public Library
3 items
3 items
The book of America's Making Exposition ... Held at the 71st Regiment Armory, New York, October 29th-November 12th, 1921 ...
The book of America's Making Exposition ... Held at the 71st Regiment Armory, New York, October 29th-November 12th, 1921 ...
3 items
A collection of several authentick accounts of the history and price of wheat, bread, malt, &c
A collection of several authentick accounts of the history and price of wheat, bread, malt, &c
3 items
A complete life of Gen. George A. Custer :
A complete life of Gen. George A. Custer :
3 items
Los desastres de la guerra
Los desastres de la guerra
3 items
The group plan of the public buildings of the city of Cleveland : report made to the honorable Tom L. Johnson, mayor, and to the Honorable Board of Public Service
The group plan of the public buildings of the city of Cleveland : report made to the honorable Tom L. Johnson, mayor, and to the Honorable Board of Public Service
3 items
The history of Negro servitude in Illinois, and of the slavery  agitation in that state, 1719-1864.
The history of Negro servitude in Illinois, and of the slavery agitation in that state, 1719-1864.
3 items
Les navigations, peregrinations et voyages, faicts en la Tvrqvie,
Les navigations, peregrinations et voyages, faicts en la Tvrqvie,
3 items
The redemption of Africa; a story of civilization, with maps, statistical tables and select bibliography of the literature of African missions
The redemption of Africa; a story of civilization, with maps, statistical tables and select bibliography of the literature of African missions
3 items
A serious comedy for trivial people
A serious comedy for trivial people
3 items
Encyclopédie, ou, Dictionnaire raisonné des sciences, des arts et des métiers
Encyclopédie, ou, Dictionnaire raisonné des sciences, des arts et des métiers
2 items
The History of America ...
The History of America ...
2 items
The Publishers' weekly [microform] : the American book trade journal
The Publishers' weekly [microform] : the American book trade journal
2 items
A collection of voyages and travels
A collection of voyages and travels
2 items
A motor-flight through France
A motor-flight through France
2 items
A treatise on the forces which produce the organization of plants
A treatise on the forces which produce the organization of plants
2 items
A voyage to the South-sea, along the coasts of Chili and Peru, in the years 1712, 1713, and 1714
A voyage to the South-sea, along the coasts of Chili and Peru, in the years 1712, 1713, and 1714
2 items
Achillis Bocchii
Achillis Bocchii
2 items
Africa in brief
Africa in brief
2 items
Africa in the nineteenth century, by Edgar Sanderson.
Africa in the nineteenth century, by Edgar Sanderson.
2 items
Afrique orientale; Abssinie
Afrique orientale; Abssinie
2 items