TitleAnna Sokolow Way
Additional title: From the Horse's Mouth magical tales of real dancers, Anna Sokolow WayAdditional title: From the horse's mouth (Choreographic work : Croll and Cunningham)
NamesNew York Public Library. Dance Division (Producer)Croll, Tina (Director)Croll, Tina (Conceptor)Croll, Tina (Performer)Cunningham, James (Director)Cunningham, James (Conceptor)Cunningham, James (Speaker)Cohen, Ze'eva (Performer)Conroy, Kevin (Performer)Davidson, Aviva (Performer)DeGarmo, Mark (Performer)Dong, Dian (Performer)Dybas, Jim (Performer)Glenn, Laura (Performer)Ipiotis, Celia (Performer)Lowe, Jane (Performer)Maniker, Allen (Performer)Owen, Norton (Performer)Thomasson, Susan (Performer)Thome, Joel (Speaker)Zall, Deborah (Performer)Zaragoza, Gabriel (Performer)Pruitt, Jacoby (Dancer)Cappelli-King, Max (Dancer)Mount Campbell, Alexandra (Dancer)Pellechia, Erin (Dancer)Gilligan, Michelle (Dancer)Dombroski, Victoria (Dancer)Ellmann, Barbara (Costume designer)Petrilli, Stephen (Lighting designer)Ferrer, Belen (Stage manager)Holub, Johannes (Videographer)Holub, Johannes (Editor)Holub, Jenny (Videographer)Sokolow Theatre/Dance Ensemble (Presenter)
CollectionJerome Robbins Archive of the Recorded Moving Image Original Documentation
Dates / OriginDate Created: 2013-12-07
Table of ContentsIntroduction (11 min.) / by Jamie Cunningham and Joel Thome -- Performance (52 min.).
Library locationsJerome Robbins Dance DivisionShelf locator: *MGZIDF 2041
GenresFilmed danceFilmed performancesSpeeches
NotesCreation/production credits: conceived and directed by Tina Croll and Jamie Cunningham ; presented by Sokolow Theatre/Dance Ensemble and From the Horse's Mouth magical tales of real dancers.Content: Widescreen.Content: The recording of this work was made possible by the cooperation of FROM THE HORSE'S MOUTH, THE THEATER AT THE 14th STREET Y, and the Jerome Robbins Archive of the Recorded Moving Image, Jerome Robbins Dance Division, The New York Public Library.Creation/production credits: Costume concept, Barbara Ellmann ; lighting, Stephen Petrilli ; stage manager, Belen Ferrer.Creation/production credits: Videography production, Holub Videographers ; camera, Jennifer Holub, Johannes Holub ; edited by Johannes Holub.Performers: Story Tellers, Ze'eva Cohen, Kevin Conroy, Tina Croll, Aviva Davidson, Mark DeGarmo, Dian Dong, Jim Dybas, Laura Glenn, Celia Ipiotis, Jane Low, Allen Maniker, Norton Owen, Susan Thomasson, Joel Thome, Deborah Zall, Gabriel Zaragoza ; dancers, Jacoby Pruitt, Max Cappelli-King, Alexandra Mount Campbell, Erin Pellechia, Michelle Gilligan, Victoria Dombroski.Venue: Videotaped in performance at The Theater at the 14th Street Y, New York, N.Y. on 2013 December 7.Original version: Original format: 2 HDV cassettes.Funding: This archival recording is supported in part by: an award from the National Endowment for the Arts. Art Works.Funding: The New York State Council on the Arts with the support of Governor Andrew Cuomo and the New York State Legislature.Funding: The Dance Division gratefully acknowledges the assistance of The Jerome Robbins Foundation.
Physical DescriptionBorn digitalExtent: 1 video file (63 min.) : sound, color
Type of ResourceMoving image
IdentifiersNYPL catalog ID (B-number): b20228583Universal Unique Identifier (UUID): 2d768000-e884-0131-3af9-3c075448cc4b
Rights StatementThis item is protected by copyright and/or related rights. You are free to use this Item in any way that is permitted by the copyright and related rights legislation that applies to your use. For other uses you need to obtain permission from the rights-holder(s).
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