TitleEvent no. 123, 1975-03-05
Additional title: Event (Choreographic work : Cunningham)Additional title: Signals (Choreographic work : Cunningham). selectionsAdditional title: Changing steps (Choreographic work : Cunningham). selectionsAdditional title: Sounddance (Choreographic work : Cunningham). selectionsAdditional title: Westbeth (Choreographic work : Cunningham). selectionsAdditional title: TV rerun (Choreographic work : Cunningham). selections
NamesCunningham, Merce (Creator)Cunningham, Merce (Choreographer)Cunningham, Merce (Dancer)Cage, John (Composer)Tudor, David, 1926-1996 (Instrumentalist)Behrman, David (Instrumentalist)Attix, Karen (Dancer)Cornfield, Ellen (Dancer)Harper, Meg (Dancer)Hayman-Chaffey, Susana (Dancer)Kerr, Cathy (Dancer)Komar, Chris (Dancer)Kovich, Robert (Dancer)Mehl, Brynar (Dancer)Moulton, Charles, 1954- (Dancer)Roess-Smith, Julie (Dancer)Merce Cunningham Dance Company ()
CollectionMerce Cunningham Video Archive
Dates / OriginDate Created: 1975-03-05
Table of ContentsSignals stick trio (in progress): MC, EC, CM -- Signals septet (partial): MC, EC, CM, CK, SHC, MH / Changing steps floor duet (in part): BM, KA -- Signals septet (last section of eights through to end) -- Changing steps leg duet (in progress): CM, SHC / Changing steps pull out (in progress): RK, CAK -- MC solo -- Changing steps quartet (partial): CAK, RK, MH, CK -- Sounddance (middle section quartet): EC, CM, BM, RK / Sounddance (slow septet): SHC, MH / Sounddance (cut to seaweed quartet): BM, EC, JRS, CAK -- MC solo -- Westbeth (solo): MH / Westbeth (duet): MH, CM / Westbeth (end of duet): CK, KA / Four couples exit -- TV rerun: Entire Company (Contents taken from handwritten note enclosed in original container.)
Library locationsJerome Robbins Dance DivisionShelf locator: *MGZIDF 1939
TopicsModern dance
GenresFilmed danceFilmed performances
NotesContent: Title, statement of responsibility and credits taken from house program available in *MGZMD 196.Content: Title on original container: "Williams College Event #2."Content: Time code visible in bottom right of picture.Creation/production credits: Musical accompaniment by John Cage, David Tudor and David Behrman.Venue: Recorded 1975 March 5 Williams College, Williamstown, Massachusetts.Acquisition: Gift; Merce Cunningham Dance Foundation, 2011-2012.
Physical DescriptionVideotape reelExtent: 1 videotape reel (33 min.) : sound, black & white ; 1/2 in.
DescriptionThis Event includes material from Signals, Changing steps, Sounddance, Westbeth and TV rerun.
Type of ResourceMoving image
IdentifiersNYPL catalog ID (B-number): b20230615Universal Unique Identifier (UUID): 66555270-313e-0132-184a-3c075448cc4b
Rights StatementThis item is protected by copyright and/or related rights. You are free to use this Item in any way that is permitted by the copyright and related rights legislation that applies to your use. For other uses you need to obtain permission from the rights-holder(s).
Item timeline of events