TitleThe Christensen Centre presents: The Wm. F. Christensen Ballet Under the Stars, 1988-06-11/12
Additional title: National Dance Institute Moving Image ArchiveAdditional title: Fantasie impromptu (Choreographic work)Additional title: Faust (Choreographic work)Additional title: Hungarian #6 (Choreographic work)Additional title: Don Quixote (Choreographic work)Additional title: Fur, feathers & fins (Choreographic work)Additional title: Le corsaire (Choreographic work)Additional title: Old Vienna (Choreographic work)
NamesNational Dance Institute (U.S.) (Creator)Elzner, Leah (Dancer)Snyder, Rita (Dancer)Wright, Michelle (Dancer)Snyder, Tim (Dancer)Neilson, Tiffany (Dancer)Bagley, Lisa (Dancer)Dorius, Dawn (Dancer)Knudson, Martha (Dancer)Lewis, Colleen (Dancer)Northstrom, Season (Dancer)Schroeder, Michelle (Dancer)Schipaanboord, Tara Lee (Dancer)Hunter, Vicki (Dancer)Torres, Carlos (Dancer)Guss, Kristi (Dancer)Dekkar, Charmainge (Dancer)Dailey, Traci (Dancer)Despain, Jennifer (Dancer)Northup, Alison (Dancer)Antczak, Kaelynne (Dancer)Bowen, Crystal (Dancer)Smith, Jennifer (Dancer)Tuft, Alicia (Dancer)Richards, Richard (Dancer)White, Jennifer (Dancer)King, Jamie (Dancer)King, Marcie (Dancer)Brooks, Jennifer (Dancer)Lanham, Mark (Dancer)Sanders, Heather (Dancer)Whipple, Natalie (Dancer)Baldwin, Farah (Dancer)Hansen, Heidi (Dancer)Warner, Mollie (Dancer)Rodgers, Jennifer (Dancer)Lance, Dorothy (Dancer)Matthews, Melisa (Dancer)Goddard, Kristi Ann (Dancer)Blommer, Becky (Dancer)Frohm, Kristen (Dancer)Frohm, Emily (Dancer)Yeates, Tori May (Dancer)Lindley, Tasha (Dancer)Morley, Chantel (Dancer)Hough, Marabeth (Dancer)Barron, Mindy (Dancer)Bowman, Natalie (Dancer)Skaggs, Richelle (Dancer)Gehring, Chelsi (Dancer)Tye, Andrea (Dancer)Christensen, Luciene (Dancer)Marriot, Megan (Dancer)Baker, Jamie (Dancer)Murdoch, Christine (Costume designer)Wright, Susan (Costume designer)Peacock, Margaret (Costume designer)
CollectionNational Dance Institute Video Archive
Dates / OriginDate Created: 1988-06-11Date Created: 1988-06-12
Table of ContentsIntroductory remarks (4 min.) |||| Fantasie Impromptu bu Chopin (5 min.): Leah Elzner, Rita Snyder, Michelle Wright, Tim Snyder, soloists; Tiffany Neilson, Lisa Bagley, Dawn Dorius, Martha Knudson, Colleen Lewis, Season Northstrom, Michelle Schroeder, Tara Lee Schipaanboord, corps. |||| Faust by Gounod (2 min.): Vicki Hunter, soloist. |||| Hungarian #6 by Brahams (3 min.): Wright, Carlos Torres, soloists; Krista Guss, Charmainge Dekkar, Traci Dailey, Jennifer Despain, Alison Northup, Kaelynne Antczak, Crystal Bowen, Jennifer Smith, Alicia Tuft, corps. |||| Pas de Deux - Don Quixote (9 min.): Richard Richards, Elzner, dancers. |||| Intermission remarks (6 min.) |||| Fur, Feathers Fins by Saint-Saens (23 min.): Wright, lion ; Torres, rooster ; Lewis, Northup, Jennifer White, pullets ; R. Snyder, turtle ; Torres, elephant ; Schipaanboord, kangaroo ; Neilson, mermaid ; Schroeder, White, Northup, Northstrom, fish ; Jill Rasmussen, mule ; Schroeder, Elzner, Bagley, Dorius, Knudson, Northup, birds ; Richards, ape ; Jamie King, Marcie King, monkeys ; Antczak, Smith, Dekkar, Jennifer Brooks, Northstrom, Guss, Bowen, Tuft, fossils ; Elzner, swan ; entire cast, finale. |||| Pas de Deux - Le Corsaire by Drigo (9 min.): Mark Lanham, Heather Sanders, dancers. |||| Old Vienna by Strauss (14 min.): Richards, waiter ; T. Snyder, officer of the royal guard ; Elzner, lady friend ; Torres, sophisticated gentleman ; Lewis, young lady ; R. Snyder, Wright, Knudson, snooty women ; Neilson, flower girl ; Schroeder, Northstrom, Northup, White, can can dancers. |||| End credits (2 min.)
Library locationsJerome Robbins Dance DivisionShelf locator: *MGZIDF 4251
GenresFilmed danceFilmed performances
NotesCreation/production credits: Costumes for Fantasie Impromptu designed by Christine Murdoch, Susan Wright ; costumes for Furs, Feathers & Fins designed by Murdoch, Margaret Peacock, S. Wright of Wright Costume and Actionwear ; video production by Skaggs Telecommunications Service, Salt Lake City.Performers: Children from Christensen Center Younger Division, for Fur, Feathers & Fins: Natalie Whipple, Farah Baldwin, Heidi Hansen, Mollie Warner, Jennifer Rodgers, pre-ballet 1 ; Dorothy Lance, Melisa Matthews, Kristi Ann Goddard, Becky Blommer, pre-ballet 2 ; Kristen Frohm, Emily Frohm, Tori May Yeates, Tasha Lindley, 1A ; Chantel Morley, 1B ; Marabeth Hough, Mindy Barron, Natalie Bowman, 1C ; Richelle Skaggs, 2A ; Chelsi Gehring, Andrea Tye, Luciene Christensen, Megan Marriot, Jamie Baker, 2B.Venue: Recorded June 11 & 12, 1988 Salt Lake City, Utah.Acquisition: Gift; Jacques D'Amboise, 2012.
Physical DescriptionVideocassetteExtent: 1 videocassette (VHS) (77 min) : sound, color ; 1/2 in.Last 4 minutes blank
Type of ResourceMoving image
IdentifiersRLIN/OCLC: 928028402NYPL catalog ID (B-number): b20832470Universal Unique Identifier (UUID): 6cacae60-a9b0-0133-3017-60f81dd2b63c
Rights StatementThe copyright and related rights status of this item has been reviewed by The New York Public Library, but we were unable to make a conclusive determination as to the copyright status of the item. You are free to use this Item in any way that is permitted by the copyright and related rights legislation that applies to your use.
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