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Töne gegentöne

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Töne gegentöne
Additional title: Töne gegen töne
Kos, Wolfgang (Interviewee)
Weibel, Peter (Interviewee)
Rihm, Wolfgang (Interviewee)
Bartz, Edek, 1946- (Interviewee)
Branca, Glenn, 1948-2018 (Interviewee)
Bryars, Gavin (Performer)
Riley, Terry, 1935- (Interviewee)
Riley, Terry, 1935- (Performer)
Sharp, Elliott (Interviewee)
Sharp, Elliott (Performer)
Monk, Meredith (Interviewee)
Monk, Meredith (Performer)
Hofer, Gerhard (Director)
Knofel, Walter (Director)
Monk, Meredith (Composer)
V-Effect (Musical group) (Interviewee)
V-Effect (Musical group) (Performer)
Honeymoon Killers (Musical group) (Interviewee)
Honeymoon Killers (Musical group) (Performer)
Residents (Musical group) (Interviewee)
Residents (Musical group) (Performer)
Österreichischer Rundfunk (Producer)

Meredith Monk Video Archive

Dates / Origin
Date Created: 1983-05
Table of Contents
Works featured in the introductory segment: The tale / Meredith Monk ; Nature morte - still alive / Wolfgang Rhim ; Vertonung eines gedichtes / Alexander Herbeck ; A tree grows in managua / V-Effect ; Flat, and Histoire a suivre / The Honeymoon Killers ; Babylon / Minimal Compact -- Works featured in Part 1: Symphonie nr. 4 "physics": 2nd movement / Glenn Branca ; Vespertine park, My first homage, and Hi tremolo / Gavin Bryars -- Works featured in Part 2: [unidentified video work] / Residents ; [unidentified song], Celestial valley, and Cross the lake of the ancient world / Terry Riley -- Works featured in Part 3: [unidentified song with electric guitar and sitar] and [unidentified song with soprano saxaphone and electric guitar] / Elliott Sharp ; Songs from the hill, Tablet, and Traveling / Meredith Monk.
Library locations
Jerome Robbins Dance Division
Shelf locator: *MGZIDVD 5-6502
Composers -- Germany
Composers -- Great Britain
Composers -- United States
Musicians -- Belgium
Musicians -- Great Britain
Musicians -- United States
Music festivals -- Austria -- Vienna
Filmed performances
Motion pictures
Documentary films
Statement of responsibility: ein film von Gerhard Hofer und Walter Knofel ; eine produktion des ORF.
Content: Title on case: Töne gegen töne.
Creation/production credits: Camera, Wolfgang Hackl, Hans Selikovsky, Norbert Arnsteiner; sound, Ekkehart Baumung; lighting, Heinz Gröblinger, Hans Schranz; editing, Paul M. Sedlacek; production manager, Walter Marek; editorial, Karl Löbl.
Performers: Interviewees: Wolfgang Kos, Peter Weibel, Wolfgang Rihm, V-Effect, The Honeymoon Killers, Edek Bartz, Glenn Branca, Gavin Bryars, Terry Riley, Elliott Sharp, Meredith Monk.
Performers: Performers: V-Effect, The Honeymoon Killers, Minimal Compact, Glenn Branca, Residents, Terry Riley, Elliott Sharp, Meredith Monk, Naaz Hosseini, Andrea Goodman.
Venue: Production completed in May 1983.
Funding: Cataloging funds provided by The Jerome Robbins Foundation.
Acquisition: Gift; Meredith Monk and House Foundation for the Arts, 2006.
Language: Spoken English overdubbed in German, some lyrics sung in English and French.
Physical Description
Extent: 1 videocassette (U-matic) (61 min.) : sound, color ; 3/4 in.
A documentary of the 1983 Töne gegentöne festival in Vienna, Austria. Composers and performers as well as music journalists, critics, and scholars discuss their work and the festival. Film also includes concert footage and excerpts of artists' musical works. The documentary is divided into and introductory segment and three parts.
Type of Resource
Moving image
RLIN/OCLC: 800748039
NYPL catalog ID (B-number): b19655664
Universal Unique Identifier (UUID): 4a89c2d0-7b6d-0138-5206-08dbba6e41b3
Rights Statement
The copyright and related rights status of this item has been reviewed by The New York Public Library, but we were unable to make a conclusive determination as to the copyright status of the item. You are free to use this Item in any way that is permitted by the copyright and related rights legislation that applies to your use.

Item timeline of events

  • 1983: Created
  • 2020: Digitized
  • 2025: Found by you!
  • 2026

MLA Format

Jerome Robbins Dance Division, The New York Public Library. "Töne gegentöne" The New York Public Library Digital Collections. 1983.

Chicago/Turabian Format

Jerome Robbins Dance Division, The New York Public Library. "Töne gegentöne" New York Public Library Digital Collections. Accessed January 15, 2025.

APA Format

Jerome Robbins Dance Division, The New York Public Library. (1983). Töne gegentöne Retrieved from

Wikipedia Citation

<ref name=NYPL>{{cite web | url= | title= (moving image) Töne gegentöne, (1983)|author=Digital Collections, The New York Public Library |accessdate=January 15, 2025 |publisher=The New York Public Library, Astor, Lenox, and Tilden Foundations}}</ref>

Töne gegentöne