The Belevskii-Zhukovskii Collection of manuscripts, photographs, drawings, books and printed ephemera

Collection Data

Correspondence and pictorial works from the descendants of Aleksei Alekseevich Zhukovskii "Count Belevskii" (1871-1932). Vasilii Andreevich Zhukovskii family album (drawings, portraits, and sketches of V.A. Zhukovskii); Photograph of Empress Alexandra Feodorovna (1872-1918); 12 original telegrams to Countess Belevskaia-Zhukovskaia from Empress Alexandra Feodorovna; 37 original telegrams to Countess Belevskaia-Zhukovskaia from Grand Duchess Elizabeth Feodorovna Romanov (1864-1918); 18 original letters and notes to the Countess from Grand Duke Sergei Aleksandrovich, dated between 1894 and 1902; 5 photographs and postcard photos of the Grand Duchess Elizabeth Feodorovna; 25 concert and theater programs, lunch and dinner menus, and other ephemera dated 1866-1900; A group of 15 letters, notes, and telegrams sent to Alexandra Vasilievna Zhukovskaia; Group photoraph of a hunting party with Alexander III, his son Nikolai Aleksandrovich, and his brother Grand Duke Vladimir Aleksandrovich; Photographs of Imperial family including Nicholas II and Vladimir Aleksandrovich.
Dates / Origin
Date Created: 1835 - 1910 (Approximate)
Place: New York
Library locations
The Miriam and Ira D. Wallach Division of Art, Prints and Photographs: Art & Architecture Collection
Shelf locator: Slav. Reserve+++ 07-267
Zhukovskiĭ, Vasiliĭ Andreevich, 1783-1852 -- Archives
Zhukovskiĭ family
Archival materials
Ownership: The collection was owned by several generations of the descendants of Vasilii Andreevich Zhukovskii (1783-1852). Zhukovskii’s daughter Aleksandra Vasilevna Zhukovskaia (1844-1899) married with Grand Duke Aleksei Aleksandrovich of Russia (1850-1908). Their son Aleksei Alekseevich (1871-1932) was created a Count of the Russian Empire with the name of Belevskii-Zhukovskii by Tsar Alexander III on March 21, 1884. More than half of the material belonged to Aleksei Alekseevich’s first wife Princess Maria Petrovna Trubetskaia (1872-1954) who became the first Countess Belevskaia-Zhukovskaia.
Acquisition: Count Belevskiĭ-Zhukovskii Collection.
Acquisition: Material received July 24, 2006 from Elizabeth Sverbeyeff Byron-Patrikiades.
Physical Description
Extent: 220 items
Type of Resource
Still image
NYPL catalog ID (B-number): b16570187
RLIN/OCLC: 144767265
Universal Unique Identifier (UUID): 14f39f70-fea0-0133-fa25-00505686a51c
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