All Collections

T.H. Morrell collection of original autograph letters of the presidents of the United States
T.H. Morrell collection of original autograph letters of the presidents of the United States
1 item
William Law papers
William Law papers
1 item
Ballets. Selections
Ballets. Selections
1 item
Church buildings
Church buildings
1 item
Ernst Ludwig Kirchner
Ernst Ludwig Kirchner
1 item
Yûsuf va Zulaykhâ
Yûsuf va Zulaykhâ
1 item
Petri de Blarroriuo Parhisiani insigne Nanceidos
Petri de Blarroriuo Parhisiani insigne Nanceidos
1 item
The Jewish communal register of New York City, 1917-1918
The Jewish communal register of New York City, 1917-1918
1 item
Malerische Innenräume moderner Wohnungen
Malerische Innenräume moderner Wohnungen
1 item
The story of Dolly Dowsie and the live rocking horse
The story of Dolly Dowsie and the live rocking horse
1 item
Henry Kimball Hadley papers
Henry Kimball Hadley papers
1 item
James Oppenheim papers
James Oppenheim papers
1 item
Collection of 18th century manuscript music, ca. 1730-1750
Collection of 18th century manuscript music, ca. 1730-1750
1 item
Benjamin Miller
Benjamin Miller
1 item
Calendrier historial
Calendrier historial
1 item
UUarachtighe ende grondighe beschryvinghe van het groot en gout-rijck coningrijck van Guiana, gelegen zijnde in America, by noorden de groote river Orelliana ...
UUarachtighe ende grondighe beschryvinghe van het groot en gout-rijck coningrijck van Guiana, gelegen zijnde in America, by noorden de groote river Orelliana ...
1 item
Grosvenor notes
Grosvenor notes
1 item
Le dessin et son enseignement dans les écoles de Tokio
Le dessin et son enseignement dans les écoles de Tokio
1 item
Le tour du monde en quatre-vingts jours
Le tour du monde en quatre-vingts jours
1 item
Little wars
Little wars
1 item
Little women
Little women
1 item
Thirty-six views of Jehol
Thirty-six views of Jehol
1 item
El Periquillo Sarniento
El Periquillo Sarniento
1 item
Michael Friedman papers
Michael Friedman papers
1 item
1 item
Miscellaneous personal name files
Miscellaneous personal name files
1 item
Fifty Prints of the Year 1932
Fifty Prints of the Year 1932
1 item
Bhagavata Purana
Bhagavata Purana
1 item
Tarjumah-i al-Masâlik va al-mamâlik
Tarjumah-i al-Masâlik va al-mamâlik
1 item
The love-lyrics & songs of Proteus
The love-lyrics & songs of Proteus
1 item
Harlem Neighborhoods Association records
Harlem Neighborhoods Association records
1 item
New York Typographical Union No. 6. records
New York Typographical Union No. 6. records
1 item
Printers' ink
Printers' ink
1 item
The Periscope
The Periscope
1 item
Richard John Levy and Sally Waldman Sweet collection
Richard John Levy and Sally Waldman Sweet collection
1 item
ASCAP journal
ASCAP journal
1 item
Alberta Hunter photograph collection
Alberta Hunter photograph collection
1 item
Joannis Keppleri ... De stella nova in pede Serpentarii
Joannis Keppleri ... De stella nova in pede Serpentarii
1 item
Official records of the Union and Confederate navies in the war of the rebellion.
Official records of the Union and Confederate navies in the war of the rebellion.
1 item
Postcards of the United States
Postcards of the United States
1 item
Results 7,441 - 7,480 | Top
1 item
Alix B. Williamson papers
Alix B. Williamson papers
1 item
Aurora Leigh
Aurora Leigh
1 item
Mundo gráfico
Mundo gráfico
1 item
My life and sacred songs
My life and sacred songs
1 item
Yankee diva;
Yankee diva;
1 item
Pauline Clairmont manuscript material
Pauline Clairmont manuscript material
1 item
Wilhelm Charles Gaulis Clairmont manuscript material
Wilhelm Charles Gaulis Clairmont manuscript material
1 item
Miscellaneous Collections: Subjects
Miscellaneous Collections: Subjects
1 item
1 item
The bridge; a poem
The bridge; a poem
1 item
The heathen Chinee
The heathen Chinee
1 item
The life and transactions of Margaret Nicholson
The life and transactions of Margaret Nicholson
1 item
1 item
Twelve views in the interior of Guiana
Twelve views in the interior of Guiana
1 item
Open vistas : a bi-monthly of life and letters
Open vistas : a bi-monthly of life and letters
1 item
The red badge of courage
The red badge of courage
1 item
A new and accurate account of the provinces of South-Carolina and Georgia
A new and accurate account of the provinces of South-Carolina and Georgia
1 item
Designs by Mr. R. Bentley, for six poems by Mr. T. Gray
Designs by Mr. R. Bentley, for six poems by Mr. T. Gray
1 item
Ancient Egyptian paintings
Ancient Egyptian paintings
1 item
Art and progress
Art and progress
1 item
British galleries of painting and sculpture
British galleries of painting and sculpture
1 item
Coe's crosstown carnival
Coe's crosstown carnival
1 item
Costumes anciens et modernes
Costumes anciens et modernes
1 item
Cours d'architecture, ou Traité de la décoration, distribution & construction des bâtiments
Cours d'architecture, ou Traité de la décoration, distribution & construction des bâtiments
1 item
Das deutsche Zimmer der Renaissance :
Das deutsche Zimmer der Renaissance :
1 item
Dorische Polychromie.
Dorische Polychromie.
1 item
1 item
Histoire de l'habitation humaine,
Histoire de l'habitation humaine,
1 item
Iranische Felsreliefs
Iranische Felsreliefs
1 item
Le Jupiter olympien
Le Jupiter olympien
1 item
The temple of King Sethos I at Abydos
The temple of King Sethos I at Abydos
1 item
Édifices de Rome moderne; ou,
Édifices de Rome moderne; ou,
1 item
Apocalypsis Sancti Johannis
Apocalypsis Sancti Johannis
1 item
S. N. Behrman papers
S. N. Behrman papers
1 item
Opticæ Thesavrvs
Opticæ Thesavrvs
1 item
Pomponii Melae De Orbis Sitv Libri Tres, Accvratissime emendati
Pomponii Melae De Orbis Sitv Libri Tres, Accvratissime emendati
1 item
The pen-mans paradis both pleasant & profitable
The pen-mans paradis both pleasant & profitable
1 item
Œuvres de Moliere
Œuvres de Moliere
1 item
A relation of a voyage made in the years 1695, 1696, 1697
A relation of a voyage made in the years 1695, 1696, 1697
1 item
Results 7,481 - 7,520 | Top
Machinae novae Favsti Verantii siceni
Machinae novae Favsti Verantii siceni
1 item
Margarita philosophica
Margarita philosophica
1 item
Mœurs, usages et costumes de tous les peuples du monde, d'après des documents and authentiques et les voyages des plus récents;
Mœurs, usages et costumes de tous les peuples du monde, d'après des documents and authentiques et les voyages des plus récents;
1 item
Nicolaus Gerhaert, seine Kunst und seine Wirkung
Nicolaus Gerhaert, seine Kunst und seine Wirkung
1 item
Photographic topics;
Photographic topics;
1 item
The diagonal
The diagonal
1 item
The literary works of Leonardo da Vinci
The literary works of Leonardo da Vinci
1 item
Tombeaux des princes, de grands capitaines et autres hommes illustres qui ont fleuri dans la Grande Bretagne vers la fin du xvii. & le commencement du xviii. siecle
Tombeaux des princes, de grands capitaines et autres hommes illustres qui ont fleuri dans la Grande Bretagne vers la fin du xvii. & le commencement du xviii. siecle
1 item
Vida do apostolico padre Antonio Vieyra da Companhia de Jesus, chamado por antonomasia o Grande
Vida do apostolico padre Antonio Vieyra da Companhia de Jesus, chamado por antonomasia o Grande
1 item
British headquarters papers
British headquarters papers
1 item
Elementa geometriae
Elementa geometriae
1 item
Jacob's Pillow scrapbooks
Jacob's Pillow scrapbooks
1 item
Apollonii Pergaei Conicorum libri octo, et Sereni Antissensis De sectione cylindri & coni libri duo
Apollonii Pergaei Conicorum libri octo, et Sereni Antissensis De sectione cylindri & coni libri duo
1 item
Astronomica Institutio
Astronomica Institutio
1 item
Trages y costumbres de la Provincia de Buenos Aires
Trages y costumbres de la Provincia de Buenos Aires
1 item
Exposition des découvertes philosophiques de M. le chevalier Newton
Exposition des découvertes philosophiques de M. le chevalier Newton
1 item
Fashions of the hour
Fashions of the hour
1 item
Geometria, à Renato Des Cartes anno 1637 gallicè edita;
Geometria, à Renato Des Cartes anno 1637 gallicè edita;
1 item
La Dioptrique oculaire, ou la Théorique, La Positive et la Méchanique de l'Oculaire dioptrique, en toutes ses espèces
La Dioptrique oculaire, ou la Théorique, La Positive et la Méchanique de l'Oculaire dioptrique, en toutes ses espèces
1 item
Les forces physiques
Les forces physiques
1 item
Les travaux souterrains de Paris
Les travaux souterrains de Paris
1 item
Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater photograph collection
Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater photograph collection
1 item
Catalogs, announcements, etc.
Catalogs, announcements, etc.
1 item
Letters, notes and postcards, 1871-1932
Letters, notes and postcards, 1871-1932
1 item
Life, travels, and adventures in California, and scenes in the Pacific Ocean
Life, travels, and adventures in California, and scenes in the Pacific Ocean
1 item
Plunkitt of Tammany Hall; a series of very plain talks on very practical politics, delivered by Ex-senator George Washington Plunkitt, the Tammany philosopher, from his rostrum--the New York County court-house bootblack stand-- and recorded by William ...
Plunkitt of Tammany Hall; a series of very plain talks on very practical politics, delivered by Ex-senator George Washington Plunkitt, the Tammany philosopher, from his rostrum--the New York County court-house bootblack stand-- and recorded by William ...
1 item
Property, by Arthur Jerome Eddy ...
Property, by Arthur Jerome Eddy ...
1 item
Recollections of Thomas D. Duncan ; a confederate soldier.
Recollections of Thomas D. Duncan ; a confederate soldier.
1 item
Reports of explorations and surveys,
Reports of explorations and surveys,
1 item
Revelation des mysteres des teintures essencieles des sept metaux, et de leurs vertus medicinales ...
Revelation des mysteres des teintures essencieles des sept metaux, et de leurs vertus medicinales ...
1 item
Ruth Page Awards [Programs]
Ruth Page Awards [Programs]
1 item
Science and mechanics
Science and mechanics
1 item
The Edison monthly
The Edison monthly
1 item
The criminal prisons of London, and scenes of prison life. By Henry Mayhew ... and John Binny ...
The criminal prisons of London, and scenes of prison life. By Henry Mayhew ... and John Binny ...
1 item
A biographical sketch of the most distinguished writers of ancient and modern times
A biographical sketch of the most distinguished writers of ancient and modern times
1 item
A journey in Brazil
A journey in Brazil
1 item
A lesson in sign-talk
A lesson in sign-talk
1 item
A voyage round the world, in the years 1803, 4, 5, & 6
A voyage round the world, in the years 1803, 4, 5, & 6
1 item
Across widest Africa
Across widest Africa
1 item
Album of 472 engravings
Album of 472 engravings
1 item
Results 7,521 - 7,560 | Top
Alsatia illustrata, celtica, romana, francica
Alsatia illustrata, celtica, romana, francica
1 item
American broadsides collection
American broadsides collection
1 item
An account of the College of New-Jersey
An account of the College of New-Jersey
1 item
Anna Pavlova: three studies and a portrait
Anna Pavlova: three studies and a portrait
1 item
Annales du Musée et de l'École moderne des beaux-arts
Annales du Musée et de l'École moderne des beaux-arts
1 item
Anne Nichols papers, 1873-1965
Anne Nichols papers, 1873-1965
1 item
Anthologia hibernica
Anthologia hibernica
1 item
Anti-Lucretius, sive, De Deo et natura, libri novem.
Anti-Lucretius, sive, De Deo et natura, libri novem.
1 item
Arnold S. Eagle
Arnold S. Eagle
1 item
Art de la guerre,
Art de la guerre,
1 item
Arthur Hopkins papers
Arthur Hopkins papers
1 item
Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr. papers
Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr. papers
1 item
Barbara Alper
Barbara Alper
1 item
Bibliothecae Alexandrinae icones symbolicae P.D. Christofori Giardae cler. reg. S. Pauli elogijs illustratae
Bibliothecae Alexandrinae icones symbolicae P.D. Christofori Giardae cler. reg. S. Pauli elogijs illustratae
1 item
Bill Jacobson
Bill Jacobson
1 item
1 item
1 item
Cabaret Voltaire
Cabaret Voltaire
1 item
Captivity of the Oatman girls:
Captivity of the Oatman girls:
1 item
Character sketches of romance, fiction and the drama :
Character sketches of romance, fiction and the drama :
1 item
Christine Osinski
Christine Osinski
1 item
Civilian defense
Civilian defense
1 item
1 item
Costume designs, 1615-1633
Costume designs, 1615-1633
1 item
D. H. Lawrence collection of papers
D. H. Lawrence collection of papers
1 item
Dance perspectives
Dance perspectives
1 item
De la philosophie de la nature,
De la philosophie de la nature,
1 item
Decorations faites dans la ville de Grenoble, capitale de la province de Dauphiné, pour la reception de Monseigneur le duc de Bourgogne, et de Monseigneur le duc de Berry :
Decorations faites dans la ville de Grenoble, capitale de la province de Dauphiné, pour la reception de Monseigneur le duc de Bourgogne, et de Monseigneur le duc de Berry :
1 item
Der Dada
Der Dada
1 item
Di Idishe ḳinder-ṿelṭ
Di Idishe ḳinder-ṿelṭ
1 item
Die Frauenkleidung
Die Frauenkleidung
1 item
Die Graphischen Künste
Die Graphischen Künste
1 item
Die Kleine Puppenköchin
Die Kleine Puppenköchin
1 item
Einblattdrucke des fünfzehnten Jahrhunderts
Einblattdrucke des fünfzehnten Jahrhunderts
1 item
Elease Perkins collection
Elease Perkins collection
1 item
Eleven engravings of architectural views of Genoa, after Antonio Giolfi
Eleven engravings of architectural views of Genoa, after Antonio Giolfi
1 item
Environmental Action Coalition records
Environmental Action Coalition records
1 item
Epitome in divae parthenices Mariae historiam
Epitome in divae parthenices Mariae historiam
1 item
Erika Stone
Erika Stone
1 item
Eugene Richards
Eugene Richards
1 item
Results 7,561 - 7,600 | Top
Eusebia Cosme photograph collection
Eusebia Cosme photograph collection
1 item
Extracts from the Manual for the patriotic volunteer on active service in regular and irregular war,
Extracts from the Manual for the patriotic volunteer on active service in regular and irregular war,
1 item
Eyn schön nützlich büchlin vnd vnderweisung der kunst des Messens, mit dem Zirckel, Richtscheidt oder Linial.
Eyn schön nützlich büchlin vnd vnderweisung der kunst des Messens, mit dem Zirckel, Richtscheidt oder Linial.
1 item
Ford autograph collection
Ford autograph collection
1 item
Francis Toohey papers
Francis Toohey papers
1 item
Frank Leslie's historical register of the United States Centennial Exposition, 1876. Embellished with nearly eight hundred illustrations drawn expressly for this work by the most eminent artists in America. Including illustrations and descriptions of a...
Frank Leslie's historical register of the United States Centennial Exposition, 1876. Embellished with nearly eight hundred illustrations drawn expressly for this work by the most eminent artists in America. Including illustrations and descriptions of a...
1 item
Frederick Douglass Collection
Frederick Douglass Collection
1 item
Free Circulating Libraries records
Free Circulating Libraries records
1 item
French Institute in the United States gift of designs,1917-1947
French Institute in the United States gift of designs,1917-1947
1 item
Gazlay's United States hotel guide for 1875
Gazlay's United States hotel guide for 1875
1 item
Gertrude Shurr papers
Gertrude Shurr papers
1 item
Ghana today
Ghana today
1 item
Greater Erie
Greater Erie
1 item
Herman Rosenthal papers
Herman Rosenthal papers
1 item
Histoire de la Louisiane
Histoire de la Louisiane
1 item
Histoire du ciel :
Histoire du ciel :
1 item
Histoire generale des voyages, ou, Nouvelle collection de toutes les relations de voyages par mer et par terre, qui ont été publiée jusqu' à présent dans les différentes langues de toutes les nations connues
Histoire generale des voyages, ou, Nouvelle collection de toutes les relations de voyages par mer et par terre, qui ont été publiée jusqu' à présent dans les différentes langues de toutes les nations connues
1 item
Histoires ou contes du temps passé
Histoires ou contes du temps passé
1 item
History of Tulare County, California
History of Tulare County, California
1 item
I Qvattro Libri Dell' Architettvra Di Andrea Palladio. Ne' quali, dopo un breue trattato de' cinque ordini, & di quelli auertimenti, che sono piu necessarij nel fabricare; Si Tratta Delle Case Private, delle Vie, de i Ponti, delle Piazze, de i Xisti, e...
I Qvattro Libri Dell' Architettvra Di Andrea Palladio. Ne' quali, dopo un breue trattato de' cinque ordini, & di quelli auertimenti, che sono piu necessarij nel fabricare; Si Tratta Delle Case Private, delle Vie, de i Ponti, delle Piazze, de i Xisti, e...
1 item
Igeret Orḥot ʻolam : ha-melamedet adam daʻat ḥelḳe ha-7 aḳlimim
Igeret Orḥot ʻolam : ha-melamedet adam daʻat ḥelḳe ha-7 aḳlimim
1 item
In di shṭurm ṭeg
In di shṭurm ṭeg
1 item
Inge Hardison portfolio
Inge Hardison portfolio
1 item
Isadora Duncan, Pina Bausch
Isadora Duncan, Pina Bausch
1 item
Jake and Dinos Chapman's Disasters of War
Jake and Dinos Chapman's Disasters of War
1 item
James Monroe papers
James Monroe papers
1 item
James Riker papers
James Riker papers
1 item
Jerome Robbins Dance Division Negative files
Jerome Robbins Dance Division Negative files
1 item
1 item
Ḳremenits, Ṿizshgorodeḳ un Poṭshayeṿ yizker-bukh
Ḳremenits, Ṿizshgorodeḳ un Poṭshayeṿ yizker-bukh
1 item
L'Art et la mode
L'Art et la mode
1 item
L'existence de Dieu, démontrée par les merveilles de la nature en trois parties; ou l'on traite de la structure du corps de l'homme, des elemens, des astres, et de leurs divers effects
L'existence de Dieu, démontrée par les merveilles de la nature en trois parties; ou l'on traite de la structure du corps de l'homme, des elemens, des astres, et de leurs divers effects
1 item
La Phalange;
La Phalange;
1 item
La chronologie des anciens royaumes corrigée :
La chronologie des anciens royaumes corrigée :
1 item
La gravure italienne
La gravure italienne
1 item
La processione del doge nella Domenica delle Palme,
La processione del doge nella Domenica delle Palme,
1 item
Lafargue Clinic records
Lafargue Clinic records
1 item
Laylâ va Majnûn
Laylâ va Majnûn
1 item
Legendario de sancti vulgare storiado
Legendario de sancti vulgare storiado
1 item
Les jeux du cirque et la vie foraine
Les jeux du cirque et la vie foraine
1 item