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Burning of Jews and others codemned by the Inquisition

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Burning of Jews and others codemned by the Inquisition
Alvarez de Colmenar, Juan. (Author)
Aa, Pieter van der, 1659-1733 (Publisher)

Beschryving van Spanjen en Portugal; waar in, op het naauwkeurigste, al het geene, dat, zoo ten opzigte van hunen ouden, als tegenwoordigen staat, aanmerkenswaardig, noodig en vermaakelijk om te weeten is, verhaald en door kunstige print-verbeeldingen en land-kaarten aangeweezen werd; dienende daar-en-boven, voor een kort begrijp der voornaamste geschiedenissen, staatsgevallen, regten, zeden en gewoontens deezer magtige koningrijken ...

Dates / Origin
Date Issued: 1707
Place: Leyden
Publisher: P. vander Aa
Library locations
General Research Division
Shelf locator: BXX++ (Álvarez de Colmenar, J. Beschryving van Spanjen en Portugal)
Type of Resource
Still image
RLIN/OCLC: 17307906
Barcode: 33433000266050
NYPL catalog ID (B-number): b13043207
Universal Unique Identifier (UUID): 6de6cd20-c602-012f-64a4-58d385a7bc34
Rights Statement
The New York Public Library believes that this item is in the public domain under the laws of the United States, but did not make a determination as to its copyright status under the copyright laws of other countries. This item may not be in the public domain under the laws of other countries. Though not required, if you want to credit us as the source, please use the following statement, "From The New York Public Library," and provide a link back to the item on our Digital Collections site. Doing so helps us track how our collection is used and helps justify freely releasing even more content in the future.

Item timeline of events

  • 1707: Issued
  • 2015: Digitized
  • 2025: Found by you!
  • 2026

MLA Format

General Research Division, The New York Public Library. "Burning of Jews and others codemned by the Inquisition" The New York Public Library Digital Collections. 1707. https://digitalcollections.nypl.org/items/a661c9c7-c2ca-4444-e040-e00a18064b28

Chicago/Turabian Format

General Research Division, The New York Public Library. "Burning of Jews and others codemned by the Inquisition" New York Public Library Digital Collections. Accessed March 13, 2025. https://digitalcollections.nypl.org/items/a661c9c7-c2ca-4444-e040-e00a18064b28

APA Format

General Research Division, The New York Public Library. (1707). Burning of Jews and others codemned by the Inquisition Retrieved from https://digitalcollections.nypl.org/items/a661c9c7-c2ca-4444-e040-e00a18064b28

Wikipedia Citation

<ref name=NYPL>{{cite web | url=https://digitalcollections.nypl.org/items/a661c9c7-c2ca-4444-e040-e00a18064b28 | title= (still image) Burning of Jews and others codemned by the Inquisition, (1707) |author=Digital Collections, The New York Public Library |accessdate=March 13, 2025 |publisher=The New York Public Library, Astor, Lenox, and Tilden Foundations}}</ref>

Burning of Jews and others codemned by the Inquisition