TitleLetter to John Smith, Baltr Town
NamesSmith, John (Addressee)Gist, Mordecai (Author)
CollectionThomas Addis Emmet collection, [legacy collection]
Series IX. Lossing's Field Book of the Revolution
Dates / OriginDate Created: 1483 - 1876 (Approximate)Place: Jones' Tavern, Reading, Pa.Date Created: 1777-09-23
Library locationsManuscripts and Archives DivisionShelf locator: MssCol 927
NotesFunding: Digitization was made possible by a lead gift from The Polonsky Foundation.Citation/reference: EM4262-7302
Physical DescriptionA. L. S. 2 pp. Fo
DescriptionIn accordance with Gen. Washington's instructions had marched on the 14th. from Christeen and on the 17th. joined Gen. Smallwood at Cochran's Tavern; next day began their march to Gen. Wayne's division in the rear of the enemy; Gen. Smallwood decided to make a forced march towards them, but before they could join Gen. Wayne he was attacked by the British and obliged to retreat with a loss of 30 killed and 50 wounded; this was at midnight, and not knowing the circumstances Col. Gist had continued his march till fired upon by the enemy; the militia, unused to sudden attacks were thrown into confusion, but he formed his men in front to prevent a retreat, Gen. Smallwood retired, leaving him to follow, which was done in good order; they were then attacked by a party of the enemy lying in ambush, and the firing was so close it was impossible to rally his men; his horse received two bullets; the number of killed and wounded was small; numbers had deserted and it was impossible to know how many were missing; these miscreants should be punished with imprisonment.
Type of ResourceText
IdentifiersNYPL catalog ID (B-number): b11868616MSS Unit ID: 927Archives EAD ID: 277688Calendar number: EM. 6610Universal Unique Identifier (UUID): c805d9b0-0025-0130-b11e-58d385a7bc34
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