NamesNew York (Colony). Governor (Creator)
CollectionThomas Addis Emmet collection, [legacy collection]
Series XIX. Booth's History of New York
Dates / OriginDate Created: 1483 - 1876 (Approximate)Date Created: 1676-09-25
Library locationsManuscripts and Archives DivisionShelf locator: MssCol 927
NotesFunding: Digitization was made possible by a lead gift from The Polonsky Foundation.Citation/reference: EM12068-13172
Physical DescriptionD.S., E. Andros. With deputation of the powers in the warrant to George Moore signed by Edmond Cantwell, he being unable to execute same; and return by George Moore, undersheriff, of service of warrant, on Oct. 21, 1676, of Fenwicke's claim of proprietorship and power of selling land, of Fenwicke's statement that being 'ould and ancient,' he could not well go to New York, and of admission by Fenwicke of grant of one license to distill. D. S. Witnessed by Machgyel Baron, John Cornelius, and the mark of John Tingell. Endorsed. 3 pp. Fo
DescriptionWarrant to Captain Edmond Cantwell, Sherrif [sic] of Delowarr [sic], reciting information of Major John Fenwicke's claim to proprietorship jurisdiction, powers of judicature, and licensing without lawful authority; requiring Cantwell to investigate and to forewarn any of the danger they incur; if the information be correct to summon Fenwicke to appear before the Governor and Council; also warning the posse comitatus to aid execution of warrant.
Type of ResourceText
IdentifiersNYPL catalog ID (B-number): b11868616MSS Unit ID: 927Archives EAD ID: 278956Calendar number: EM. 10507Universal Unique Identifier (UUID): 2d871000-0029-0130-04e4-58d385a7bc34
Rights StatementThe New York Public Library believes that this item is in the public domain under the laws of the United States, but did not make a determination as to its copyright status under the copyright laws of other countries. This item may not be in the public domain under the laws of other countries. Though not required, if you want to credit us as the source, please use the following statement, "From The New York Public Library," and provide a link back to the item on our Digital Collections site. Doing so helps us track how our collection is used and helps justify freely releasing even more content in the future.
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