Introdutioni a note con terza maggiore e con terza minore e terza natturale

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Introdutioni a note con terza maggiore e con terza minore e terza natturale
Bottée de Toulmon, Auguste, 1797-1850 (Former owner)
Chrysander, Friedrich, 1826-1901 (Former owner)
Musikantiquariat Hans Schneider (Former owner)
Dates / Origin
Date Issued: 1680 (Approximate)
Table of Contents
Introdutioni a note con terza maggiore, e con terza minore e terza natturale -- Abbellimenti sopra note di cadenze risolute con quarta e terza, e con quarta terza e settima, e sesta risoluta con quinta falsa, e settima con sesta -- Passeggi sopra note con accompagnam[en]ti e a note di cadenze -- Accompag[namen]ti sopra qualsi uoglia note con ogni accidenti, et in quante forme, modi, e maniere possino trouarsi, e formarsi sopra la tastattura di tiorba. Con risolutione di settime, e seste legate, et unite.
Library locations
Music Division
Shelf locator: JOC 93-2
Embellishment (Music)
Theorbo -- Methods
Content: For theorbo ; French lute tablature, 6 lines.
Content: Title from heading on leaf 1 recto.
Ownership: "Bibliotheque de M. Bottee de Toulmon"--property stamp on leaf 1 recto.
Citation/reference: Listed in Musikantiquariat Hans Scheider, Katalog 54 (Nr. 91).
Physical Description
Extent: 49, [4] leaves [i.e. 93 pages] of music ; 15 x 30 cm.
Ms. in ink.
Contains musical examples of thorough bass realizations and embellishments, possibly intended to accompany a treatise.
Type of Resource
Notated music
RLIN/OCLC: 138870317
NYPL catalog ID (B-number): b16809084
Photo Order: 54181
Universal Unique Identifier (UUID): 58f3b2b0-9ab5-0132-e179-58d385a7b928
Rights Statement
The New York Public Library believes that this item is in the public domain under the laws of the United States, but did not make a determination as to its copyright status under the copyright laws of other countries. This item may not be in the public domain under the laws of other countries. Though not required, if you want to credit us as the source, please use the following statement, "From The New York Public Library," and provide a link back to the item on our Digital Collections site. Doing so helps us track how our collection is used and helps justify freely releasing even more content in the future.

Item timeline of events

  • 1680: Issued
  • 1797: Creator Born
  • 1850: Creator Died
  • 2020: Digitized
  • 2025: Found by you!
  • 2026

MLA Format

Music Division, The New York Public Library. "Introdutioni a note con terza maggiore e con terza minore e terza natturale" The New York Public Library Digital Collections. 1680.

Chicago/Turabian Format

Music Division, The New York Public Library. "Introdutioni a note con terza maggiore e con terza minore e terza natturale" New York Public Library Digital Collections. Accessed February 7, 2025.

APA Format

Music Division, The New York Public Library. (1680). Introdutioni a note con terza maggiore e con terza minore e terza natturale Retrieved from

Wikipedia Citation

<ref name=NYPL>{{cite web | url= | title= (text) Introdutioni a note con terza maggiore e con terza minore e terza natturale, (1680) |author=Digital Collections, The New York Public Library |accessdate=February 7, 2025 |publisher=The New York Public Library, Astor, Lenox, and Tilden Foundations}}</ref>

Introdutioni a note con terza maggiore e con terza minore e terza natturale