TitleTwo or three things I see in you
Additional title: Tangle (Choreographic work : Easton)Additional title: Slip (Choreographic work : Easton)Additional title: Two or three things I see in you (Choreographic work : Easton)Additional title: Close (Choreographic work : Easton)
NamesEaston, Hilary (Choreographer)Rowley, Cynthia (Costume designer)Dignan, Pat (Lighting designer)Elson, Steve (Composer)Frisell, Bill (Composer)Bartlett, Terry Dean (Dancer)Cohen, Pamela (Dancer)Dickson, Tracy (Dancer)D'Orsaneo, Peter (Dancer)Leilani, Blossom (Dancer)Olson, Michelle (Dancer)Wheeler, Lisa (Dancer)Robison, Mark (Videographer)Character Generators/Video (Videographer)Hilary Easton + Company (Performer)Dance Theater Workshop (Presenter)
CollectionHilary Easton Video Archive
Dates / OriginDate Created: 1996-12-06
Table of ContentsDisc 1. Tangle (ca. 19 min.) / original commissioned score, Steve Elson ; music mixes at Erranel Music, New York by John Harris ; dancers, Terry Bartlett, Pamela Cohen, Peter D'Orsaneo, Michelle Olson, Lisa Wheeler. |||| Disc 2. Slip (9 min.) / music, Marin Marais (Sonnerie de Ste Genevieve de Mont de Paris) ; dancers, Pamela Cohen, Tracy Dickson, Blossom Leilani, Michelle Olson, Lisa Wheeler. |||| Two or three things I see in you (premiere) (14 min.) / original commissioned score, Steve Elson ; dancers, Pamela Cohen, Peter D'Orsaneo. |||| Close (premiere) (14 min.) / music, Bill Frisell ; dancers, Terry Bartlett, Tracy Dickson, Peter D'Orsaneo, Blossom Leilani, Michelle Olson, Lisa Wheeler.
Library locationsJerome Robbins Dance DivisionShelf locator: *MGZIDVD 5-7052
GenresFilmed danceFilmed performances
NotesStatement of responsibility: choreography, Hilary Easton ; [performed by] Hilary Easton and Company ; presented by Dance Theater Workshop.Creation/production credits: Choreography, Hilary Easton ; costumes, Cynthia Rowley ; lighting design, Pat Dignan ; videography, Character Generators ; president, Mark Robison ; cameraperson, Mark Robison.Performers: Performed by Hilary Easton and Company: Terry Bartlett, Pamela Cohen, Tracy Dickson, Peter D'Orsaneo, Blossom Leilani, Michelle Olson, Lisa Wheeler.Venue: Videotaped during performance at Dance Theater Workshop, New York, N.Y. on Dec. 6, 1996.Original version: Original format: 2 videocassettes (Umatic) ; 3/4 in.Acquisition: Gift; Hilary Easton; Sept. 20, 2011. NN-PD
Physical DescriptionVideocassetteExtent: 2 videocassettes (Umatic) (58 min.) : sound, color; 3/4 in.
Type of ResourceMoving image
IdentifiersNYPL catalog ID (B-number): b19631133Universal Unique Identifier (UUID): afe8c020-e35c-0130-2a57-3c075448cc4b
Rights StatementThe copyright and related rights status of this item has been reviewed by The New York Public Library, but we were unable to make a conclusive determination as to the copyright status of the item. You are free to use this Item in any way that is permitted by the copyright and related rights legislation that applies to your use.
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